THE EMPTY TOMB “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” (Matt 28:1-10) The women received from the risen Jesus a message for the disciples which has become a luminous reference. The great challenge of our Christian faith is giving testimony and being signs of the resurrection in a violent society marked by inequality and injustice.
THE GARDEN “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for ? (Jn. 20: 10-18 ) Mary Magdalene seeks her Lord in an empty tomb. She teaches us: To be aware of the signs of life. To train the ear to hear the voice of Jesus who calls us by name. To discover that we are daughters and sons of the same Father, the Father of Jesus.
COMMUNITY “”Peace be with you.” (Jn. 20: 19-22) Jesus presents himself to the community with the Pascal greeting: “Peace.” It is Jesus’ first encounter with the disciples and twice He wishes them peace. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is to build a harmonious human coexistence in which all people have the same opportunities to live happily and without violence. It means creating community following the example of the community of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
THE WAY “What are you discussing with each other as you walk along?” (Lk 24:13-35) The two walking to Emmaus walk the path of sadness, of discouragement and of skepticism which they try to alleviate by remembering what had occurred in recent days, but their hope has withered. Jesus accompanies them on the way, explaining the Scriptures and He remains with them to break and share the bread. Then their hearts were burning; life is filled with meaning and their feet are ready to continue on the way to bring the good news to the community.
“Look at my hands and feet.” (Jn. 20: 24-29) THE BODY OF CHRIST “Look at my hands and feet.” (Jn. 20: 24-29) The best witnesses that the Risen One offers to his followers are the traces of his Passion, to prove that He is the same one. We are reluctant to believe that where the wounds are there, too, can be the greatest signs of love. Come with me to touch other sores that are even more painful. Look from north to south, from left to right, from center to periphery, sores on all sides. These wounds become luminous with the New Life of the Risen Jesus.
EVERYDAY LIFE “Children, you have no fish have you? Cast the net to the right side of the boat and you will find some . . . Come and have breakfast.” (Jn 21,1-14) Jesus presents himself in everyday life. He precedes us in reality. At night, a fruitless work. At dawn, an orientation that reveals His presence. In the morning, a meal among friends. At noon, a question that heals and gives identity: “Do you love me?”