We are A Mumbai based, export oriented pharmaceutical company A one-stop-shop to all your import requirements. Our Vision To make the best quality healthcare products available across the globe
Our Strengths Global Manufacturing Base Wide range of products Our manufacturing base is spread across India, France, Spain and Portugal. We have a strong market presence in Asia, Central America, Europe and Africa. Wide range of products Our basket of products contains allopathic, herbal, ayurvedic, veterinary, and cosmetic range in all dosage forms namely tablets, capsules, liquid orals and dry powder injections, liquid injections creams and ointments, inhalers, nasal sprays, eye and ear drops, effervescents, etc. Research & Innovation We are capable of creating innovative products and formulation development. Our dedicated team of scientists perspire to develop highly customized and effective products at efficient costs. Market Specialization A strong team of professionals proficient in international regulations and marketing acumen Transparent Communication Throughout our organization, runs a strong sense of obligation to deliver quality and excellence through our products and services. We are upfront, honest and transparent in all our dealings with our business partners.
Our Promise Your association with Tarush Healthcare promises you : 👍🏽Complete regulatory support critical to the launch of your desired product in your preferred market 👍🏽Complete assurance of highest quality products in line with your market requirement. 👍🏽 Best prices without any compromise on product quality. 👍🏽 Transparent communication in business dealings.
Thank you ! Contact Us at: Nishant.dale@globaltarush.com Skype: nishantdale1 www.globaltarush.com