REWARDS An overview
REWARDS Reading Excellence Word Attack and Rate Development Strategies
COMPONENTS Teacher’s Manual Student Workbook Classroom Charts Fluency Readings Overhead transparencies (for document cameras)
PROGRAM OVERVIEW 25 lessons total Lessons 1-15 focus on pre-skills Lessons 16-25 focus on strategy instruction
WHO BENEFITS? Students: in grades 4-6 who know CVC words, high frequency words, vowel pairs, and –ed, -ing, -es, and –ly endings. who have difficulty with long words and/or who read 60-120 words per minute
PLACING STUDENTS For 4th or 5th grade students, consider those reading at 3rd – 5th grade reading level. For 6th grade students, consider grade reading level as well as a one minute oral reading. Consider students reading 60-120 words per minute. Determine ORF with grade-level expository text, AIMSweb or DIBELS passages, or passages from REWARDS teacher’s guide. Determine grade reading level using San Diego Quick Assessment, Word Identification & Word Attack Subtest scores from Woodcock Johnson Reading Mastery Test (if available), or any other standardized reading test.
LESSONS 1-15 FORMAT: PRE-SKILLS Activity A: Oral Activity Students learn to blend word parts into words Activity B: Vowel Combinations Students learn the sound to say when they see a combination of letters Activity C: Vowel Conversions Students learn to switch between saying the sound and saying the name for a particular letter Activity D: Reading Parts of Words Students learn to read parts of words that come from real words Activity E: Underlining Vowels in Words Students learn that each part of a word has a vowel sound
LESSONS 1-15 FORMAT: PRE-SKILLS, CONT Activity F: Correcting Close Approximations Using Context Students listen to close mispronunciations similar to those that might be made while they decode words Activity G: Prefixes and Suffixes Students learn to identify and pronounce prefixes and suffixes Activity H: Circling Prefixes and Suffixes Students identify prefixes and build fluency Activity I: Vocabulary Students find the word that matches the meaning of a prompt Activity J: Spelling and Dictation Students spell the words they’ve learned to read
LESSONS 16-25 FORMAT: STRATEGIES Activity A: Vowel Combination Review Students review letter combinations learned in pre-skill lessons Activity B: Vowel Combination Review Students say sounds and name letters Activity C: Prefixes and Suffixes Review Students review saying prefixes and suffixes aloud Activity D: Strategy Instruction Students are introduced to a specific strategy Activity E: Strategy Practice Students figure out longer words using the strategy
LESSONS 16-25 FORMAT: STRATEGIES Activity F: Word Families Students focus on the relationships among the words created by adding various prefixes and/or suffixes to a common root word Activity G: Spelling Dictation Students listen to a word, say the word, and write the word Activity H: Vocabulary Students find the word that matches the meaning of a prompt Activity I: Passage Preparation Students read words from the upcoming passage that are difficult to pronounce Activity J: Passage Reading Students read a passage for fluency practice
ASSESSMENT Pre & Post Test Progress Monitoring One Minute Fluency Assessment See “Correction of Errors” See Pretest/Posttest Teacher Recording Form According to student’s progress monitoring schedule