French 1 ACCENTS
Accent aigu - É Tells you to pronounce an e similar to the a in the English word date. Éléphant Sénégal The accent start down on the left and goes up on the right.
Accent Grave over an E - È Tells you to pronounce an e like the e in the English word jet. Zèbra Zèle The accent starts up on the left and goes down on the right.
Accent grave over an a or U – À or Ù Doesn’t change the sound of these letters. It does change their meaning. Ou = or, Où = where The accent starts up on the left and goes down on the right.
Accent circonflexe – Â, Ê, Î, Ô, Û Appears over any vowel and it doesn’t change the sound of the letter. Pâté Forêt Île Hôtel Flûte The accent looks like an upside down flattened “V.”
cÉdilla - Ç Under a c tells you to pronounce the c like an s. Français Ça The accent looks like a 5 missing the top.
TrÉma – Ä, Ë, Ï, Ö, Ü Goes over the second vowel when there are two vowels beside each other and it tells you to pronounce each vowel separately. Noël Haïti The accent it two dots over the vowel.