Psalm 47 ( Tune: Lord, Speak to Me) Words: The Book of Psalms for Worship, 47B Music: Lord, Speak to Me, George Hews Arrangement: Chris Reeves
1. All na - tions clap your hands and shout; To God with joy - ful voic - es sing!
For awe - some is the Lord Most High, Who o - ver all the earth is King.
2. He has sub - dued be - neath our feet the na - tions who were once our foes.
And Ja - cob’s glo - ry, whom he loves, We now in - her - it as he chose.
3. God has as - cend - ed with a shout! The Lord a - midst the trum - pet’s ring.
Sing praise! Sing prais - es un - to God! Sing praise! Sing prais - es to our King!
4. For God is King of all the earth; Sing prais - es with a skill - ful tone.
God rules the na - tions from on high; God sits up - on his ho - ly throne.
5. Lea - ders of na - tions join them - selves, as those of Abr’ - ham’s God they come,
Be - cause earth’s shields be - long to God; He is the great ex - al - ted One.