Psalm 75:1-10 ( Tune: Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?) Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 48A Music: George N. Allen Arrangement: Chris Reeves
1. To Thee O God we ren-der thanks, to Thee give thanks… sin-cere, Be-cause Thy won-drous works de-clare that Thy great… name is near.
2. When my ap-point-ed time is come, I’ll judge with e - ven hand. Though earth and all its dwell-ers melt, I make its pil-lars stand.
3. I to the boast-ful said, Boast not!, to vile men lift no horn! Do not lift up your horn on high, nor speak… with neck of scorn!
4. For not from east nor west nor wilds comes ex-al -ta - tion nigh, For God is judge, de-bas-ing one, an- oth - er rais - ing high.
5. The Lord pours out a foam-ing cup which well-mixed… wine con-tains, And eve-ry wick-ed one on earth must drink the… dregs he drains.
6. But I will tell it ev – er-more, to Ja-cob’s God sing praise; And horns of sin-ners I’ll cut off, but just men’s… horns I’ll raise.