The Scientific Method The Breakdown!
What is the Scientific Method? The steps you take to gain knowledge by using an experiment. Kagan: Numbered Heads Together Pose the Question what is the Scientific Method? 1 min. Each student writes their idea separately. After 1 min the group stands up and shares their idea with the group. When everyone has shared and everyone knows the answer they sit back down. Use the kagan person selector and have that number from each table share their idea. Discuss as a group the correct definition of the scientific method.
1. Step 1 State the Problem a. Scientist put the problem into question form b. How will ____________________ affect ________________. c. For example: How will soap affect surface tension?
Partner A How will _________ affect ________? You want to see what color of bird feeder the local birds preferred. Put this problem in the correct question form How will ____________ affect _____________? Kagan Strategy: Rally Coach Partner A has 2 min to solve and explain to Partner B Once they agree Partner A can write the question on the white board Bring the class back together and discuss the correct answer
Correct Answer How will the color of the bird feeder affect the number of local birds.
Partner B How will _________ affect ________? Put this problem in the correct question form How will ____________ affect _____________? Kagan Strategy: Rally Coach Partner B has 2 min to solve and explain to Partner A Once they agree Partner B can write the question on the white board Bring the class back together and discuss the correct answer
Correct Answer How will the amount of water affect the growth of the bean plant?
Practice: How will ________ affect _______? Read each problem or look at the picture to determine the problem. 2 min Rally – Coach: Partner A solve and discuss with Partner B (DO NOT WIRTE) . Once you agree write the correct question on your white board. Once 2 minute is up you will move to a new problem and switch roles. Kagan Stratergy: Rally Coach There are 2 centers at each table (except for table 7 there is one) Begin with partner A they have two minutes to solve and discuss with Partner B Once they agree Partner A can write the correct question on the white board. When two minute is up they rotate to a new center and switch roles.
Step 2: Gather Information Question Prediction Know! Internet BOOK Research about your __________________. You do not want to be denied…..You want to make a good ____________________. Use what you already _________________ Look up information on the ________________. Use a __________________. Be sure to __________________ your sources. Question Prediction Know! Internet Kagan Strategy: Working with their shoulder partner give them 3 minutes go through the blanks and solve. Once three minutes is up bring the class back together and discuss the correct answers. BOOK evaluate
Research Partner A: What were some of the things you research about surface tension? Partner B: Why did you do research about surface tension? Kagan Give partner A 1 minute to explain to Partner B some of the things they researched Bring class back together and discuss Give partner B 1 minute to explain to partner A why they did research. Bring the class back together and discuss.
Partner A How will amount of water affect the growth of a bean plant? Name three things you would research to make a good hypothesis. Kagan 1. Partner A explain to partner B three things you would research about this question to make a good hypothesis.
Partner B How will the color of the bird feeder affect the number of local birds? Name three things you would research to make a good hypothesis. Kagan 1. Partner B explain to partner A three things you would research to make a good hypothesis.
Practice - Research Read each problem or look at the picture to determine the problem. 1 min Carousel – Partner A Begins Say the question out loud. DO NOT WRITE ONLY SAY OUT LOUD On the paper provided list 1 thing you would research to make a good hypothesis. YOU CAN NOT REPEAT WHAT ANOTHER GROUP HAS WRITEN. Switch roles when you move to another problem. Kagan Stratergy: Similar to Carousel Feedback There are 2 centers at each table (except for table 7 there is only). Include a blank sheet of paper. Each pair should have one marker. Begin at their table Partner A say the question ( How will …) out loud to partner B. Partner A explain 1 thing you would research and write them on the paper provided. They can not repeat what another pair has written They switch roles when they move. Once everyone has gone through the centers pull a few of the questions and discuss as a class some of the things they would reserch and why.
Step 3: Form a Hypothesis Prediction Research experiment If Then A hypothesis is a ___________________ bases on your _____________________. To be valid it has to be something that you can test by using an _____________________. A good hypothesis is formed in a __________.... ___________.... Statement Research experiment Kagan Strategy: Working with their shoulder partner give them 3 minutes to go through the blanks and solve. Once three minutes is up bring the class back together and discuss the correct answers. If Then
d. For Example: If soapy water is added to the penny then fewer drops will fit on the penny. i. Is it testable? ii. Is it predicting?
Partner A How will the color of the bird feeder affect the number of local birds? Pretend you have done your research. 2 minute - Rally Coach – Create a hypothesis that includes (Remember DO NOT WRITE until you agree) IF…Then… Testable Predicting Based on Research Kagan Partner A explain to partner B a possible hypothesis. Once they agree write the hypothesis on their white board. Once 2 min is up bring the class back together and discuss as a class.
Partner B How will amount of water affect the growth of a bean plant? Pretend you have done your research. 2 minutes - Rally Coach – Create a hypothesis that includes (Remember DO NOT WRITE until you agree) IF…Then… Testable Predicting Based on Research Kagan Partner B explain to partner A a possible hypothesis. Once they agree write the hypothesis on their white board. Once 2 min is up bring the class back together and discuss as a class.
Mix Freeze- Make a Hypothesis For each question write a Hypothesis that is 1. In an If…Then…Statement 2. Predicting based on your research 3. Testable Kagan – Mix Freeze Each student needs a white board and a marker Play the music allow them to mix Stop the music and find a partner – check to make sure everyone has a partner Put the problem on the SMART board and allow them to solve (Think Time) DO NOT TALK! Select who will go first and give them 30 sec to share their hypothesis. Switch and give 30 sec to share their hypothesis. Bring class together and ask them to share their hypothesis. Discuss if the hypothesis fits the criteria listed above.
Write a hypothesis for this question. How will the color of the fish food effect the amount of food a fish will eat? Kagan – Mix Freeze Each student needs a white board and a marker Play the music allow them to mix Stop the music and find a partner – check to make sure everyone has a partner Put the problem on the SMART board and allow them to solve (Think Time) DO NOT TALK! Select who will go first and give them 30 sec to share their hypothesis. Switch and give 30 sec to share their hypothesis. Bring class together and ask them to share their hypothesis. Discuss if the hypothesis fits the criteria listed above.
Write a hypothesis for this question. How will force effect the speed of an object? Kagan – Mix Freeze Each student needs a white board and a marker Play the music allow them to mix Stop the music and find a partner – check to make sure everyone has a partner Put the problem on the SMART board and allow them to solve (Think Time) DO NOT TALK! Select who will go first and give them 30 sec to share their hypothesis. Switch and give 30 sec to share their hypothesis. Bring class together and ask them to share their hypothesis. Discuss if the hypothesis fits the criteria listed above.
Write a hypothesis for this question. How will red bull effect your heart? Kagan – Mix Freeze Each student needs a white board and a marker Play the music allow them to mix Stop the music and find a partner – check to make sure everyone has a partner Put the problem on the SMART board and allow them to solve (Think Time) DO NOT TALK! Select who will go first and give them 30 sec to share their hypothesis. Switch and give 30 sec to share their hypothesis. Bring class together and ask them to share their hypothesis. Discuss if the hypothesis fits the criteria listed above.
Write a hypothesis for this question. How will light effect the growth of a plant? Kagan – Mix Freeze Each student needs a white board and a marker Play the music allow them to mix Stop the music and find a partner – check to make sure everyone has a partner Put the problem on the SMART board and allow them to solve (Think Time) DO NOT TALK! Select who will go first and give them 30 sec to share their hypothesis. Switch and give 30 sec to share their hypothesis. Bring class together and ask them to share their hypothesis. Discuss if the hypothesis fits the criteria listed above.
Individual Assignment 1. Complete Vocabulary Words: Scientific Method, Question, and Hypothesis. Find the definition in your notes and highlight the definition. Draw a picture that represents your definition. SEE VOCABULARY EXAMPLE ( This goes in the front of your vocabulary section.) 2. Complete Questions 1-3 on each experiment (3 of them) in the “Using the Scientific Method” Simpsons packet. Read the experiment Use your Unit 1 Lesson 2 Notes to help you answer 1-3 in each of the 3 experiments. Hand out the Vocabulary Example and go over the expectations, a good example and a bad example. Hand out the Scientific Method Vocabulary Packet Once they finish the vocabulary they may come up a get the Using the Scientific Method Simpsons Packet. When they finish 1-3 in their Simpsons Packet have them notify you so you can check them.
Experiment Step 4 hypothesis research An experiment is used to test your _____________ that was based on your ______________. There are 7 things you need to perform a valid experiment. What do you have to have to perform an experiment? hypothesis research
4. Experiment aterials rocedure ariales ndependent variable ependent Kagan: Numbered Heads Together Pose the question what 7 things do you need to perform an experiment? Give them 2 minutes on their own to write down as many as they can. When 2 minutes is up they stand up and share. Once everyone has shared and everyone knows the answer they sit back down. Use the Kagan selector to select the person who will share at each table. Bring the class back together and go over the correct answers. onstants ontrol group
4. Experiment need 4.1 Materials Materials are what you will _______________ in the experiment. What did we need to test the affect of soap on water’s surface tension? need Kagan- RallyRobin Pose the question What material did you need to test the affect of soap on water’s surface tension? Give 3-5 seconds of think time and 30 sec of talk time. Partner A begins and gives one thing that was needed Then Partner B gives one thing that was needed Bring class together and discuss the materials that were needed in the experiment.
4. Experiment steps recipe 4.2 Procedure The ________________ you will take to test your hypothesis. A procedure is much like a ____________. steps recipe Kagan: Rally Coach Give 1 minute to solve ( a does a and does b) Bring class back together and discuss
Activity: Procedure: Draw the Shape Each person choose a simple shape. You have 3 minutes to write a procedure on how to draw this shape. STEP by STEP. EX: First you pick up your marker and your board. Second ….. After 3 minutes is up Partner B read your procedure to partner A and they will try to draw your shape on a scrap piece of paper. (You have 2 minutes) Switch
Experiment Step 4 changed changed person Independent variable 4.3 Variables a. A Variable is any part of the experiment that can be _____________________. b. Independent Variable: The one part of the experiment that is ___________________ by the ______________ performing the experiment. c. Dependent Variable: The part of the experiment that is affected by the ________________ __________________. changed changed person Kagan: Rally Coach Give 1 min to solve Bring class together and go over correct answers ( You can use the Kagan Selector to choose studnets) Independent variable
Experiment Step 4: Type of Water Surface tension Soap (water type) How will _____________________ effect ______________? 4.4 Identifying the Variables What did we change in the penny lab? Independent variable: ___________ What did the change effect? Dependent variable: _______________ Look back at the question… How will _________________ (IV) affect __________________ (DV) Type of Water Surface tension Go over this slide as a class. Be sure to emphasize that the IV and the DV can be found in the question ( the very first step of the Scientific Method) Soap (water type) Surface tension
Find the IV and the DV for this question. How will the color of the fish food effect the amount of food a fish will eat? Kagan – Mix Freeze Each student needs a white board and a marker Play the music allow them to mix Stop the music and find a partner – check to make sure everyone has a partner Put the problem on the SMART board and allow them to solve (Think Time) DO NOT TALK! (30 sec) Select who will go first and give them 30 sec to share their answer. Switch and give 30 sec to share their answer. Bring class together and ask them to share their answer.
Find the IV and DV for this Question. How will force effect the speed of an object? Kagan – Mix Freeze Each student needs a white board and a marker Play the music allow them to mix Stop the music and find a partner – check to make sure everyone has a partner Put the problem on the SMART board and allow them to solve (Think Time) DO NOT TALK! (30 sec) Select who will go first and give them 30 sec to share their answer. Switch and give 30 sec to share their answer. Bring class together and ask them to share their answer.
Find the IV and the DV for this question. How will red bull effect your heart? Kagan – Mix Freeze Each student needs a white board and a marker Play the music allow them to mix Stop the music and find a partner – check to make sure everyone has a partner Put the problem on the SMART board and allow them to solve (Think Time) DO NOT TALK! (30 sec) Select who will go first and give them 30 sec to share their answer. Switch and give 30 sec to share their answer. Bring class together and ask them to share their answer.
Find the IV and the DV for this question. How will light effect the growth of a plant? Kagan – Mix Freeze Each student needs a white board and a marker Play the music allow them to mix Stop the music and find a partner – check to make sure everyone has a partner Put the problem on the SMART board and allow them to solve (Think Time) DO NOT TALK! (30 sec) Select who will go first and give them 30 sec to share their answer. Switch and give 30 sec to share their answer. Bring class together and ask them to share their answer.
Assignment 1. Student Exploration: Growing Plants Gizmo Work with shoulder partner Rally coach – A does #1, B does #2, A does #3, B does #4….. (Both of you write the answers in your Packet) You do not WRITE until you have explained your answer and your partner agrees! 2. Using the Scientific Method Simpsons Packet Read the experiment Use your Unit 1 Lesson 2 notes to help you complete numbers 4 and 5 in each of the 3 experiments. 3. Complete Vocabulary Words: Experiment, Procedure, Materials, Independent Variable and Dependent Variable. Make an explore learning account! Hand out the Growing Plants Gizmo: Independent and Dependent variable. When they are finished it goes in their 3 ring under Scientific Method Next they will complete 4 and 5 in the Simpsons packet for each experiment. They need to notify you when they are done so you can check them. Next they will complete their vocabulary.
Experiment Step 4: stay same fair Independent variable 4.5Constants Constants are any part of the experiment that ________ the ____________. This is to keep the experiment ____________. You can only change one thing and that is the ____________ ____________. What did we keep the same in the penny lab? stay same fair Independent variable Kagan: Rally Coach Give 1 min to solve Bring class together and go over correct answers ( You can use the Kagan Selector to choose studnets)
A bird example… How would you keep this experiment fair? How will the color of the bird feeder affect the amount of local birds. What would you keep constant to be sure this experiment was fair? On your white board come up with a list of 3 things Red? Blue? Green? Kagan: Think – Write – Round Robin Pose the question: What would you keep constant to be sure this experiment was fair? Allow 2 min for them to think and write Round Robin – Give them 2 min to share with their group. Brign class back together and disscus some possibel answers
Some possible answers Constants Location of feeders Kind of seed Type of feeder
Is Sam’s experiment fair? YES? NO? and WHY? Kagan: Rally Robin Discuss with your shoulder partner Use Kagan Selector to choose a student to shair their answer Sam wants to know if birds prefer one color of feeder to another. He makes three feeders out of 2-liter bottles and paints one red, one blue, and one green. He fills the feeders with the same amount of sunflower seed, and plans to keep the feeders out for one week before measuring how much seed is eaten out of each. On Tuesday, he puts each of the feeders in his back yard: the red feeder in a large dead tree, the blue feeder he sits on the doghouse, and the green one he puts in a small bushy tree. Is Sam’s experiment fair? NO! It isn’t fair since the locations of the feeders were very different!
Individual Assignment 1. Complete Vocabulary Words: Constants
Step 4:Experiment compare 4.6. Control Group and Testing Group A control group is used to ______________ with the testing group (the independent variable) Control group is the group that was NOT treated or influenced by the independent variable. Testing group is the group that WAS treated by or influenced by the independent variable. How will soap affect the surface tension of water? Which group is control and which is testing? compare IV DV Go over control and testing group with the class. Kagan: Rally Robin 1 min. Discus with your should partner which group is the control and which is the testing. Be able to explain WHY? Use the Kagan Selector to choose a student to explain the correct answer Being class back to gether and discuss. Soap Water Regular Water Testing Group Control Group
Smithers thinks that a special juice will increase the productivity of workers. He creates two groups of 50 workers each and assigns each group the same task (in this case, they're supposed to staple a set of papers). Group A is given the special juice to drink while they work. Group B is not given the special juice. After an thirty minutes Smithers counts how many stacks of papers each group has made. Group A made 30 stacks, Group B made 50 stacks. Question: How will the special juice effect the productivity of the workers? 1. IV _____________________ DV____________________ 2. Which group is affected by the IV? Group A or Group B? 3. Identify the control and the testing group. Kagan: Numbered Head Together Pose Question Give time ( 3 min) to write own answer on white board After 3 min the group stands up and sahres their answers. Once everyone knows the correct answer and why they can sit back down. Bring class back together and use the Kagan selector to choose a student to answer the questions. Control Group : Not affected by IV Testing Group: Affected by the IV
Assignment 1. Student Exploration: Growing Plants Gizmo (control and testing group) Work with shoulder partner Rally coach – A does #1, B does #2, A does #3, B does #4….. (Both of you write the answers in your Packet) You do not WRITE until you have explained your answer and your partner agrees! 2. Using the Scientific Method Simpsons Packet Read the experiment Use your Unit 1 Lesson 2 notes to help you complete numbers 6 and 7 in each of the 3 experiments. 3. Complete Vocabulary Words: Control Group and Testing Group Hand out the Growing Plants Gizmo: Control and Testing Group When they are finished it goes in their 3 ring under Scientific Method Next they will complete 6 and 7 in the Simpsons packet for each experiment. They need to notify you when they are done so you can check them. Next they will complete their vocabulary.
Step 5. Record and Analyze Data Data table experiment Data is collected from the observations you make during your ___________________. Can be Qualitative: includes only letters. Example: There were more drops of regular water on the penny then soapy water . Can be Quantitative: Includes letter and numbers. Example: On average there were 10 more drops of regular water on the penny then soapy water. Your data is organized in a _____________. experiment All Letters Kagan: Think – Write – Round Robin Pose Question: Give an example of Qualitative data (30 sec) to think and write on white board Share with your group ( 1 min) Bring Class together and share Pose Question: Give an example of Quantitative Data Letters and Numbers Data table
Data Table Example: Organize the data given in you notes into a table. Color of Bird feeder Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Average Blue 10 birds 12 birds 10 birds 11 birds Red 23 birds 24 birds 21 birds 30 birds Give them 4 minutes Have them compare their tables with their group and make corrections were they need to. Go over correct answer with them ( on the next slide)
Data Table Answer Water type Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trail 4 Trial 5 Average Plain Water 33 drops 44 drops 32 drops 24 drops 45 drops 35.6 drops Soap Water 20 drops 18 drops 14 drops 17 drops 12 drops 16.2 drops
Step 5: Record and Analyze Data Using Graph 1 4 2 3 Dependent Variable ( y axis) (Number of Drops) 4 Explain the Graph Take your data from your data table and create a graph There are four steps. Use need an appropriate Title Dependent Variable goes on the y axis ( Be sure to use appropriate scale) Independent Variable goes on the x axis ( Be sure to label) Plot data 2 3 Independent Variable ( x axis) (Type of Water)
Analyze: What does graph tell you? Analyze: Look over your data and find patterns. Kagan: All Write Round Robin Pose Question: Analyze your graph. What does your graph tell you? Give 30 sec think time ( NO TALKING) Share your idea with your group and write down any new ideas. Bring class back toether and discuss as a group.
Assignment 1. Student Exploration: Graphing Skills Work with shoulder partner Rally coach – A does #1, B does #2, A does #3, B does #4….. (Both of you write the answers in your Packet) You do not WRITE until you have explained your answer and your partner agrees! 2. Using the Scientific Method Simpsons Packet Read the experiment Use your Unit 1 Lesson 2 notes to help you complete numbers 8 and 9 in each of the 3 experiments. 3. Complete Vocabulary Words: Analyze, Data, Qualitative Data, and Quantitative Data Hand out the Graphing Gizmo. When they are finished it goes in their 3 ring under Scientific Method Next they will complete 8 and 9 in the Simpsons packet for each experiment. They need to notify you when they are done so you can check them. Next they will complete their vocabulary.
Step 6. Conclusion A conclusion sums up your experiment Answer four questions in your conclusion Do the results support my hypothesis? WHY or WHY not? What did you learn? How does it apply to the real world? How valid was the experiment, can you improve the experiment?
Conclusion Partner 1 has question #1 ( 2, 3, and 4 will tell importance) Partner 2 has question #2 (3, 4, and 1 will tell importance) Partner 3 has question #3 (4, 1, and 2 will tell importance) Partner 4 has question #4 (1, 2, and 3 will tell importance) (2 min) Begin with Question #1 Read the Question and the answer out loud. Partner 2, 3 and 4 will take turns telling one things they think is important about this question and answer. You can not repeat what someone else has said. Bring Class back together and discuss the importance of this question and answer. (2 min) 1. Begin with Question #1 Read the Question and the answer out loud. 2. Partner 2, 3 and 4 will take turns telling one things they think is important about this question and answer. 3. Bring Class back together and discuss the importance of this question and answer. ( Use the slide that corresponds with the question, slides 52 – 55) 4. Move to next question
Example: Question #1 Did my results support my hypothesis? My results in this lab did support my hypothesis. I predicted that more drops of regular water would fit on the penny then soapy water. In my experiment on average 35.6 regular water drops fit on a penny while only 16.2 soapy drops fit on a penny.
Example: Question #2 What did I learn? In this experiment I learned that regular water holds together better than soapy water.
Example: Question #3 How does it apply to the real world? What I learned applies to the real word because soap breaks down the surface tension of water which makes it possible to blow bubbles.
Example: Question # 4 How valid was the experiment Example: Question # 4 How valid was the experiment? Could you improve it? My experiment could have been much more valid. To be valid means you can only change ONE thing. In my experiment there was more than just the water type that was changed. Things like the dropped height, the size of the drops, the person dropping, the side of the penny and the thickness of the paper towels, were all things that we did not keep constant. In order to be valid all these things must be kept constant.
These word are found in the Edheads Article Activity 1. Using the Scientific Method Simpsons Packet Choose one of the three experiments and write a conclusion using the four questions. If you do the first one correct you do not have to do the other two. If you do not do the first one correct then you must do another. 2. Complete Vocabulary Words: Conclusion, Theory, Law, and Valid These word are found in the Edheads Article