Suppl. Fig. 1 Flower longevity in Lilium cut flowers exposed to all spray applications of hormonal treatments used in the study. Data correspond to the mean ± SE of n=6. Results of statistics are shown in the inlets (ANOVA, P<0,05) and letters indicate significant differences between stages (Duncan’s Test, P<0,05). For details of flower developmental stages, see Fig.1
Suppl. Fig. 2 Detail of days elapsed between stage I and different developmental stages (a) and between different developmental stages one by one (b) in Lilium cut flowers exposed to all spray applications of hormonal treatments used in the study. Data correspond to the mean ± SE of n=6. Results of statistics are shown in the inlets (ANOVA, P<0,05) and letters indicate significant differences between stages (Duncan’s Test, P<0,05). NS, not significant. For details of flower developmental stages, see Fig.1