Welcome to McClure Middle School We are excited to welcome our Foundation sponsors to this evening’s event: North Metro Church
Welcome to McClure Middle School
Approximately 1200 students Schedule arrival at 8:50 dismissal 4:15 early check-out by 3:45 McClure Administrative Team
Daily Schedule Homeroom- 8:50-9:25 7 Periods a day (50 minutes each) 5 Academic Classes Language Arts Math Social Studies Science Academic Habits 2 Connections Classes Advanced content (in all academic subjects)
Connections Classes Connections Programs: Physical Education Music Programs (year long) Band Chorus Orchestra Physical Education (year long except for music students) Connections Programs: (semester long) Art Health Business Technology
Grades More grades are taken Each grade goes in a different category and each category weigh differently. BLOGS- every teacher has one and it’s updated every day by 6 p.m. Agenda- students expected to write in it every day and have it with them ALL day; EVERY day!
Grades How can I help as the parent? Look at blogs and agenda with your son/daughter Remind son/daughter to open agenda each evening at home and use it as a check list
Grades How can I help as the parent? ParentVue- internet site for parents and students to see their grades. Check ParentVue regularly Grades updated every 2 weeks 6 Grade Reports Yearly 2 progress reports & a report card in the fall 2 progress reports & a report card in the spring
Grades How can I help as the parent? Ensure you have a ParentVue account (Your existing account will continue to work next year. New accounts will be available later in August.) Set up alerts in ParentVue (Weekly averages or grades below 70, etc) Review ParentVue biweekly at a minimum
Time management Study sessions Study hall Homeroom (before & after school, check the McClure website for weekly schedule) Study hall 8:00-8:50 in the theater Homeroom Set time & place for homework/study at home.
Time Management How are you going to juggle all those things? Organization-binders, locker, agenda, book bag Clean out and organize binders and book bag regularly Homework folder or agenda binder
Time Management How can I help as the parent? Establish routines Homework Studying Packing up for the next day of school Set up clear expectations at home Utilize the agenda to help as a time management tool (i.e. long-term projects) Schedule monthly clean up/organization sessions
Renaissance Based on grades and conduct Weekly drawings for prizes and special privileges Have celebrations-picnic and a field trip to Stars and Strikes End of the year CARNIVAL!!
Summer Reading one book of student choice short review (online; will be available soon) additional information will be available in June on the McClure webpage
What can I be involved with at McClure? Art Club Garden Club FCA Intramurals News Team STEM Club Robotics Team Reading Bowl West Cobb Stampede Runners
Dress Code Be sure to read our dress code carefully before shopping ! No athletic shorts or sweat pants No frayed areas No holes above the knees in jeans All lengths must be finger tip length No sleeveless shirts No low cut blouses Be sure to read our dress code carefully before shopping !
Responsibility Responsibility is a learned habit and will help you be successful in life. Middle school is the perfect time to build this habit. Here are some things you can do become a responsible young adult: Write in the agenda Complete assignments and turn them in when they are due Study for tests/quizzes Attend tutoring Check the blogs Check StudentVue Only 3 drop-offs per year
Be here on time, every day, all day. Attendance Try to schedule appointments for students to be here at least ½ a day Alternate times of day you pull your child from class (so not missing same period) Be here on time, every day, all day.
Be here on time, every day, all day. Attendance State law requires: the school to call home at 3 days of unexcused absences a letter to be sent home at 5 days unexcused a social worker referral is made at 7 days unexcused Be here on time, every day, all day.
Pay attention to Mrs. Metcalfe’s two rules KEEP YOUR HANDS AND FEET TO YOURSELF ONLY SAY KIND WORDS
PARENTS Frequently monitor ParentVue Have a calendar with important dates Study place for your child Monitor homework Establish routines Have conversations about school Work with the student-teacher-parent trio to help support your child’s education
Creating paths to success! Go Mavericks!!!!! We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Creating paths to success! Our Mission: To challenge & support students to be the best they can be