Common Ground Center Outreach and Events Coordinator Natalie Hazrati Common Ground Center Outreach and Events Coordinator
What is Common Ground Center Located @ Kresge College Mission: “create cultural change for social justice, environmental regeneration, and economic viability”
Key Values Inclusivity and Diversity Inter-generational Co-mentoring Community Self-Reliance and Self-Management Civic Engagement and Global Citizenship Community Stewardship of the Land base Compassion and Empathy Social and Environmental Justice Personal Empowerment Regenerative Community Design Creativity and Spiritual Development
What makes up Common Ground Center? Executive Committee: 3 faculty members and 2 student from the Student Board. oversee the brand and interaction with CGC and the rest of the UCSC Campus and beyond. Student Board: 5 Students ( 4 staff, 1 PSI)
Year Long Goals Build stronger relationships, communication, and capacity within the Common Ground Student Board and Executive Committee. Boost participation by strengthening media outreach for any events, speakers, or activities hosted or co-hosted by the Common Ground Center
Year Long Goals 3. Co-create and participate in any events or activities hosted / co-hosted by the Common Ground Center. Major events include UCSC Bioneers, and World Cafe
Bioneers! ~9 plenary speakers, over 20 workshops, live music, and more!