Expository Writing English II Mary Holmes
What is an expository essay? The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner.
What do you need for an expository essay? A clear thesis Evidence to support your idea (in your body paragraphs) A formal tone Transitions between paragraphs These are just some of the things you will need…
A clear thesis
What is a thesis statement? A thesis statement is a sentence used in an essay that serves as the guide for the essay and directly answers the question or task asked of you. A thesis statement expresses the main idea of your paper.
What is a thesis statement? A thesis statement gives direction to the author of the paper/essay. Gives the reader an idea as to what the paper will be about.
What is a thesis NOT? A factual statement A topic sentence Big Spring is a small town in West Texas. (This is a factual, topic sentence; therefore, it is not a thesis statement.)
Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Addresses the prompt clearly Makes a claim, or Presents an argument Is arguable (an opinion) Is found in the first paragraph of the essay
It’s time to spot a thesis! https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-10/identify-thesis- statements
Your turn! You will now apply what you learned by writing your own thesis statements to a few writing prompts. When reading back your thesis statements (to yourself), ask yourself a few questions.
Questions to ask yourself: Did I address all parts of the prompt? (Yes or No) Can I argue against this statement? (Yes or No) Will I address all of this in my essay? (Yes or No) Is it grammatically correct? (Yes or No) Is it clear and understandable? (Yes or No) You know what to do if you’ve answered NO to any of these questions. FIX THEM!
Assignment Read the top half of the “Thesis Statement Practice” sheet. (This is in your OneNote notebook under “Essays.”) Note the three (3) requirements for each of the topic questions provided. Look closely at the example completed for you. Refer back to this example completed for you. Refer back to this example when you complete the remainder of the assignment.
Evidence to support your idea/topic
Why do you need evidence? To make an effective argument, be sure to provide evidence that your readers will find trustworthy and persuasive. The strongest evidence for a factual claim: directly supports the claim, comes from a credible source, such as well-conducted research or an expert in the field.
Why do you need evidence? Claim: In contrast to previous generations, millennials don't feel as compelled to get married. Strong evidence: Among all age groups surveyed, millennials were most likely to agree with the statement, "Marriage is becoming obsolete." To cite evidence in a text, use the ICE method we learned in class.
Here is the format: For the essay, you will be expected to cite two pieces of evidence per body paragraph. Sentence 1: Introduce your paragraph topic. Sentence 2: Introduce your first piece of evidence. Make sure to give your citation, as well. (Ex. (Jackson 8). or (8).) Sentences 3-4: Explain your evidence and how it relates back to your topic. Sentence 5: Introduce your second piece of evidence. Sentences 6-7: Explain your evidence and how it relates back to your topic. Sentence 8: Wrap up your paragraph Make sure the reader knows you are finished with your paragraph and are moving on to your next point/example.
Let’s practice choosing evidence! https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-10/choose-evidence-to- support-a-claim
Your turn! You will now apply what you learned by writing your own paragraphs with cited evidence. When reading back your cited evidence (to yourself), ask yourself a few questions. The assignment is under the Essays tab and it should be titled “Citing Evidence Practice.”
Some questions to consider: Does the evidence I have chosen to use refer back to my thesis/topic? (Yes or No) Did I introduce the evidence correctly? (Yes or No) Is it cited correctly? (Yes or No) Did I explain my evidence and show how it refers back to my thesis statement/topic? (Yes or No) As always, if you answered NO to one of these questions, FIX IT!
Formal Tone
What do you already know? Think about how you communicate with different types of people. Do you use the same tone, words, and phrases to communicate with your friends as you do with your parents and your teachers? If you do communicate with everyone in the same way throughout your life, you are likely to have difficulties.
Why you need to know? In every culture around the world, the way people are expected to communicate with friends, strangers, or people in authoritydiffers. Those who do not learn how to communicate in different ways to different people will have a hard time getting people to listen and understand what they have to say. If you want people to hear what you have to say, it pays to learn how to communicate in different ways.
Knowing your audience When we communicate with others, we need to consider with whom we are communicating. That person or persons is your audience.
Knowing your purpose When we communicate, we also need to think about our purpose for communicating. Sometimes we communicate to Entertain, Inform, or Persuade
Audience and Purpose To determine whether we should communicate informally or formally, we combine what we know about BOTH our audience and the purpose of our communication. Then we pick the style we think will best open our audience up to listen to our ideas. Generally, communication with friends and relatives should be informal. Communication with strangers, people in authority, or co-workers is most often formal.
Formal vs. Informal Writing So, what is the difference between formal and informal writing?
Formal Writing Informal Writing The tone is polite, but impersonal The tone is more personal Avoids using contractions (don’t, isn’t) and slang (bromance, bae, salty, throwing shade) Freely uses contractions and slang Avoids using abbreviations (ASAP, ETA, LOL, CUL) Freely uses abbreviations Maintains a serious tone May use humor or more casual tone Uses proper punctuation and capitalization Avoids using first and second person pronouns (I, you, me, and we). Often uses “one” or “the reader” instead. Freely uses first and second person pronouns Sentence structure tends to be varied and includes lengthy and complex sentences. Sentence structure tends to be shorter; writing equals the structure and rhythm of spoken English Word choice tends to be precise or technical Word choice may be more vague; colloquial phrases may be used Found most often in scholarly books and articles, technical reports, research papers, and legal documents. Found most often in personal email, nonfiction books of general interest, and mass-circulation magazines
Formal vs. Informal Writing Formal Writing Style Informal Writing Style The tone is polite, but impersonal The tone is more personal Examples: Formal To Whom it May Concern, Many people enjoy amusement parks. Studies show many people spend too much time on the computer. Informal Dear Grandma, You like amusement parks, right? Do you spend too much time on the computer like many people do?
Formal vs. Informal Writing Formal Writing Style Informal Writing Style Avoids using contractions and slang Freely uses contractions and slang Examples: Formal It is important to do homework. Going to an amusement park was a thrilling experience. It does not take a genius to figure this out. Informal It’s important to do homework. Going to an amusement park was cool! It doesn’t take a genius to get this.
Formal vs. Informal Writing Formal Writing Style Informal Writing Style Maintains a serious tone May use humor or more casual tone Examples: Formal Thank you for the package. It was a thoughtful thing to do. A person should want others to take time to read what they write. Informal Thanks for the package. It was thoughtful of you. Who would be crazy enough to write something that nobody reads?
Formal vs. Informal Writing Formal Writing Style Informal Writing Style Avoids using first and second person pronouns (I, you, me, and we). Often uses “one” or “the reader” instead. Freely uses first and second person pronouns Examples: Formal When one is preparing to cook, washing one’s hands should be step one. The author advises the reader not to judge a book by its cover. Informal When you are preparing to cook, wash your hands first. I think that you should not judge a book by its cover.
Formal vs. Informal Writing Formal Writing Style Informal Writing Style Sentence structure tends to be varied and includes lengthy and complex sentences Sentence structure tends to be shorter; writing approximates the structure and rhythm of spoken English Examples: Formal The lunch served in the cafeteria today was not very appetizing. The food was over cooked, smelled terrible, and tasted awful. Instead of serving students substandard food, the school should look into bringing in food from a caterer or local restaurant if at all possible. Informal Lunch in the cafeteria today was nasty. It looked, smelled, and tasted bad. The school shouldn’t serve nasty food like that. They should bring in food from a restaurant or something.
Formal vs. Informal Writing Formal Writing Style Informal Writing Style Word choice tends to be precise or technical Word choice may be more vague; colloquial phrases maybe used Examples: Formal The lunch served in the cafeteria today was not very appetizing. The food was over cooked, smelled terrible, and tasted awful. Instead of serving students substandard food, the school should look into bringing in food from a caterer or local restaurant if at all possible. Informal Lunch in the cafeteria today was nasty. It looked, smelled, and tasted bad. The school shouldn’t serve nasty food like that. They should bring in food from a restaurant or something.
Let’s practice using formal tone. https://create.kahoot.it/#quiz/0a29a396-ee83-478b-bf0e-81ed967bab69
Your turn! We will now apply what you have learned about formal and informal tone as we identify informal tone and change it to formal tone. Make sure to read the directions carefully on the activity and to complete it as it says. The assignment is under the Essays tab and it should be titled “Formal and Informal Writing.”
What are transitions and why do we use them? Transitional words help your reader to follow your writing ideas Transitional words and phrases are included in the work of successful writers to help bridge and connect: Paragraphs Supporting Ideas
Where do I place transitional words/phrases in my writing? Transitional words and phrases may be placed: At the beginning of paragraphs to help transition from paragraph to paragraph Inside paragraphs to help transition from one supporting detail to another Inside paragraphs to help elaborate upon supporting details
Not all transitional phrases are equal! Transitional phrases and words are not “one size fits all” Different transitional phrases and terms belong in specific areas of writing and serve distinct jobs
Transitional Phrases to Indicate More Information: In addition Additionally In fact Moreover Also Together with Equally important Similarly
Transitional Phrases to Indicate an Example: For example, For instance, Specifically, To demonstrate, To illustrate, Notably,
Transitions to Indicate a Cause/Effect Relationship: Due to ______, For For the reason that ______, Since ______, then ____ Consequently If…then As a result
Transitional Phrases to Compare and Contrast: Although However In comparison Likewise On the other hand
Transitional Phrases to Add Emphasis: Above all, Even more, More importantly,
Transitional Phrases to Conclude: Therefore Furthermore Altogether Overall Finally
Let’s practice using transitions. https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-10/transition-logically-between-claims-evidence- analysis-and-counterclaims
Your turn! We will now apply what you have learned about transitions as we identify which transitions to use and what type of transition is needed in sentences. The assignment is under the Essays tab and it should be titled “Transitions Practice.”