Designed and Created by : Andrea Boyd Occupational Therapist Gillian Agnew Occupational Therapist Jean Knox Technical Instructor Elaine Tizzard Technical Instructor Darrell Line Technical Instructor
Background to the Project Where did the idea come from? Activity Workshop Training – Homework Reflecting on an experience from a staff member Idea kept in mind for the future Seconded post led to that ‘light bulb’ moment.
Introduction Idea developed from working on Pavilion 3 Ayrshire Central Hospital (ACH). A slow stream rehabilitation ward for older people. A busy ward and staff working very hard to support acutely unwell patients. Apparent that the rehabilitation process lacked meaningful activity. The aim of the project was to consider how to engage patients in meaningful activity without increasing current workloads for staff.
Project Development Activity Working Group was initiated on 1/8/13. Discussions about how to promote meaningful activity in a positive manner, without increasing current workloads. ‘Pocket Ideas’ was proposed and an action plan was developed. The project was supported by OT service lead and Ward Sister. Meetings continued in P3 ACH to involve staff with the project.
Concept of ‘Pocket Ideas’ A pocket book with prepared ideas to start a conversation. Pocket sized making the tool very portable. Prompts for discussion which may take no more than 5 minutes e.g. games, inspirational quotes, conversation prompts and pictures. 5 sections: Communication, Physical Activity, Games, Music & Culture and Wellbeing. Conversations can take place whilst working with an older person. Can be used in a group setting or 1:1.
Philosophy of ‘Pocket Ideas’ “Every moment we have to offer older people in meaningful experiences is valuable, and essential in our professional practice. It promotes increased self-esteem, reduces risk of low mood, and empowers people to achieve their own person centred goals.” (Pocket Ideas 2013)
Prototype Completed The prototype was completed in December 2013 with help from medical photography. Pilot of project completed in January 2014 in P3 ACH with the support from ward staff. Evaluation tool designed and incorporated; sections used, time taken, ease of use, anything that could be changed and responses from patients.
Outcomes from pilot The outcome of the pilot was incredibly positive. No additional time was needed to use ‘Pocket Ideas’. Benefits demonstrated positive interactions with staff and patients. Person centred care. Encouraged meaningful experiences. Quality of life enhanced in a ward environment. The television was used less!
Progression of the Project Will Marshall and Donald Urquart (Art C0-ordinators) attended initial meetings, and they continue to support the project. Fabulous support from OT service, Board members and many staff across Ayrshire and beyond! Poster presentation at NHSScotland Event June 2014. Endowment bid successful, allowing clinical time out to lead the project, finalise the project, complete further pilots and work towards our official launch. OT news article July 2014,‘Blogging’ and Champions Network Forums. Scotland’s Dementia Awards 2014 and won ‘Best Acute Care Initiative’. Ayrshire Achieves 2015: ‘Light bulb moments-creativity & innovation.’
Meet Emma our graphic designer!
Conclusions ‘Pocket Ideas’ underpins the importance of person centred care, which is line with Government Strategies e.g. Quality Strategy and Dementia Strategy. The project has increased positive and qualitative experiences for patients and staff. ‘Pocket Ideas’ has not impacted on current workloads. ‘Pocket Ideas’ has increased the awareness of the importance of meaningful activity, person centred care, improving quality of life and reducing stress and distress for our older people
Thank you all for supporting ‘Pocket Ideas’ “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe.” Anatole France