Lenten Appeal 2018 This Lent, we will be raising money for the Catholic Children's Society (CCS) CCS is a Catholic Charity that works to help local children and young people living in poverty
Social Media Activity Lenten Appeal 2018 Learning Objectives: To explore different problems we could experience online To consider the possible consequences (outcomes) of these problems To reflect on how we can use Jesus' teachings to guide us
How many of these social media sites can you name? Lenten Appeal 2018 Social Media Sites How many of these social media sites can you name? Twitter Pinterest Facebook Instagram Lesser- known sites: Stumble Upon- tailors a mix of photos, videos, quotes, news etc. You can follow your friends and share your content. Houseparty- Group video chat app Tumblr- blogging site Snapchat Stumble Upon Tumblr Houseparty
Do you know the minimum recommended age to use the sites? Lenten Appeal 2018 Social Media Sites Do you know the minimum recommended age to use the sites? 13+
Social Media sites 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Lenten Appeal 2018 Which of these sites have the most users in the UK? (top 5) 5th 10.3 million 1st 32 million 2nd 20 million 3rd 14 million Figures from 2017 4th 13.6 million
Social Media Lenten Appeal 2018 Do you think social media is a good thing? What are the problems with social media? How can you avoid problems on social media? What can you do if something goes wrong?
What could be the consequences (outcomes) of each situation? Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenarios What could be the consequences (outcomes) of each situation? Read through the following scenarios and answer the questions on your worksheet
Scenario 1 Lenten Appeal 2018 Your best friend has been off with you for days. Your other friends have started ignoring you too. You’ve noticed that recently no one has said anything on your group Snapchat. Today you found out that your best friend has set up a new Snapchat group and not invited you. One of your friends showed you a screenshot of the chat. In the chat, your best friend says some really nasty things about your looks. You set up a new Snapchat group and exclude your best friend. You retaliate by making comments about her weight.
Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 1 What could happen now?
Scenario 1- Possible Consequences Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 1- Possible Consequences Once you make these comments, they cannot be taken back. You saw your friend’s comments so it’s likely she will see yours. By retaliating, you are definitely making the situation worse. Both of your actions can be seen as harassment or abuse and the law can step in.
Scenario 2 Lenten Appeal 2018 Your friend thought it would be funny to share a photo of you from the weekend on your Snapchat group. She took a photo of you when you were getting changed, and the picture shows you in just your underwear. You’re annoyed because some of the people in the group aren’t really your friends, but your parents aren’t on Snapchat so you think it will be ok.
Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 2 What could happen now?
Possible Consequences Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 2- Possible Consequences The photo could be shared online. If someone screenshots that image you then have no control over who sees/ shares the photo. Your friend and anybody who shares the photo are breaking the law by producing and distributing child pornography. Think about how you would feel if your parents/ carer/ teachers saw those images. Would you be happy? What about a future employer? Would the photos give a good impression of you?
Scenario 3 Lenten Appeal 2018 You are at a football training session and you leave your phone in your bag in the changing room. A few of your team mates go into the changing room and think it would be funny to send messages from your phone. Your password is your name and birthday so they easily guess it. They use your phone to send explicit messages and photos to a girl in your class.
Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 3 What could happen now?
Scenario 3- Possible Consequences Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 3- Possible Consequences The girl could tell her parents/ someone at school about the images. You are responsible for setting the secure passwords on your phone and social media sites. Even though you didn’t could be prosecuted for a child sex offence. Try to use different, complicated passwords.
Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 3 What could happen now?
Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 4 It is Saturday and you have gone into town to meet up with a friend. Your friend has not turned up so you decide to Snap Map your location so that they know you’ve arrived. For more information on Snap Map, visit: https://support.snapchat.com/en-US/a/snap-map-about http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/0/snapchat-map-do-use-safe-children/
Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 4 What could happen now?
Possible Consequences Other people may track your location. Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 4- Possible Consequences Other people may track your location. Someone might be able to find you if you show your location, take photos of your local area or take pictures in your school uniform.
She must be used to the comments. Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 5 There is a girl at school who everyone makes fun of and no one talks to. Her clothes are really dirty and it looks like she never washes. Over the past couple of months people in your class been making horrible comments on her Instagram pictures. A few people have told her she’s worthless and that she should just end it all. So far you have not become involved but so many people are doing it now you feel like you should join in. She must be used to the comments.
Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 5 What could happen now?
Scenario 5 You join in. Suddenly she stops coming to school. Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 5 You join in. Suddenly she stops coming to school. You hear that she has committed suicide.
Scenario 5- Possible Consequences Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 5- Possible Consequences Imagine how guilty you would feel if you knew you had made someone feel so bad about themselves that they took their own life. Even if you just comment once, you are contributing to this bullying. Cyber-bullying can lead to violence, depression and suicide. Felix Alexander Megan Evans
“Love your neighbour as you love yourself” Lenten Appeal 2018 What should you do? Sometimes it can be difficult to make the right choices. Every day you face pressures in and out of school, often from your friends. “Love your neighbour as you love yourself” The Parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us about why it is so important to look out for each other and treat one another with respect.
Scenario 1 Lenten Appeal 2018 Your best friend has been off with you for days. Your other friends have started ignoring you too. You’ve noticed that recently no one has said anything on your group Snapchat. Today you found out that your best friend has set up a new Snapchat group and not invited you. One of your friends showed you a screenshot of the chat. In the chat, your best friend says some really nasty things about your looks. You set up a new Snapchat group and exclude your best friend. You retaliate by making comments about her weight.
Share how you feel with another friend or someone Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 1- What should you do? Think about how your friend’s comments made you feel. Do you want to do that to someone else? Take perspective. Step back and take time to think about what has happened. Share how you feel with another friend or someone at home.
Scenario 2 Lenten Appeal 2018 Your friend thought it would be funny to share a photo of you from the weekend on your Snapchat group. She took a photo of you when you were getting changed, and the picture shows you in just your underwear. You’re annoyed because some of the people in the group aren’t really your friends, but your parents aren’t on Snapchat so you think it will be ok.
Remember to always check your privacy settings. Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 2- What should you do? . Politely ask your friend not to upload photos of you on the internet without your permission. Maybe talk about the possible consequences of uploading inappropriate photos with your friend. Remember to always check your privacy settings.
Scenario 3 Lenten Appeal 2018 You are at a football training session and you leave your phone in your bag in the changing room. A few of your team mates go into the changing room and think it would be funny to send messages from your phone. Your password is your name and birthday so they easily guess it. They use your phone to send explicit messages and photos to a girl in your class.
Scenario 3- What should you do? Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 3- What should you do? Make sure your phone is always locked. Try to use different, complicated passwords. Change your passwords regularly.
Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 4 It is Saturday and you have gone into town to meet up with a friend. Your friend has not turned up so you decide to check-in online so that they know that you are there.
Possible Consequences Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 4- Possible Consequences Don’t share your location or anything that will tell people too much about yourself. Call or send a private message to a friend if you are unsure where they are. Be careful about apps using your location. Regularly check your settings to make sure that your location is not being shared.
She must be used to the comments. Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 5 There is a girl at school who everyone makes fun of and no one talks to. Her clothes are really dirty and it looks like she never washes. Over the past couple of months people in your class been making horrible comments on her Instagram pictures. A few people have told her she’s worthless and that she should just end it all. So far you have not become involved but so many people are doing it now you feel like you should join in. She must be used to the comments.
Scenario 5 You join in. Suddenly she stops coming to school. Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 5 You join in. Suddenly she stops coming to school. You hear that she has committed suicide.
Scenario 5- Possible Consequences Lenten Appeal 2018 Scenario 5- Possible Consequences Do something kind for that person- they probably feel alone and helpless. Even something small like a short conversation or walking home from school together could make a big difference. Stand up for the person being bullied. “Love your neighbour as you love yourself”
Many of your neighbours are living in poverty Lenten Appeal 2018 “Love your neighbour as you love yourself” Many of your neighbours are living in poverty You can help them this Lent by raising money for the Catholic Children’s Society’s Crisis Fund.
Every penny that you raise goes into the Crisis Fund Lenten Appeal 2018 The Crisis Fund provides emergency assistance for children, young people and their families. Headteachers fill out a simple application form stating the situation and needs of the family; CCS aim to respond within 24 hours. The Crisis Fund can be used to buy families beds, food, essential clothing etc. Every penny that you raise goes into the Crisis Fund
Ellie’s Story Ellie is six years old. She lives with her mum, dad and little sister. Three months ago, Ellie's dad lost his job. The family could not pay their rent so they were evicted from their flat. Ellie's family stayed with one of her dad's friends for two months. Five of them shared a one bedroom flat. One night Ellie’s dad's friend told them to leave. They had nowhere to go and had to sleep on the streets that night. Ellie's Head Teacher found out what was happening and called the Catholic Children's Society the next day.
With money from the Crisis Fund, CCS were able Ellie’s Story With money from the Crisis Fund, CCS were able to pay for temporary accommodation for Ellie and her family. CCS then contacted the Council on the family's behalf and within days they were given a new home. However, their new flat was completely unfurnished. With money from the Crisis Fund, CCS were also able to buy the family beds and a washing machine.
£5 can buy a child a pillow to sleep on £10 can buy a child a pair of shoes £25 can buy a child a warm coat £50 can help feed a child for a month
How can we raise money to help children like Ellie this Lent? Write down at least one idea on your post-it note Which fundraising ideas do you like? How could you make this happen?
Dear Lord, Thank you for all that I have. Let us think of those children and young people who are living in poverty right now, perhaps in our town, school or class. Give us strength this Lent as we work to help those in need. Amen