ISOC and ISOC Chapters Worldwide ISOC GVA Chapter, DevSIG meeting 21 February 2006 Anne Lord Snr. Manager Chapters & Ind. Members
Overview About ISOC All about chapters ISOC initiatives Focus on chapters
ISOC - who we are Founded 1992 by Internet Pioneers For global co-operation and co-ordination of the Internet International, not-for-profit, membership organisation 85+ organisational members 25,000+ individual members 80+ chapters Works to provide leadership Standards, education and policy Funded by organisation members and .org registry
ISOC’s Mission "To assure the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world."
ISOC Membership
ISOC Chapters Chapters support ISOC’s mission and goals Extend reach and influence of ISOC by acting locally Serve interests of local community Organise activities/events/education locally Provide services in local language Act as forum for ‘networking’ Inform ISOC policy making Chapters inform ISOC of local/regional issues Provide input on global issues to the ISOC Secretariat Operate as not-for-profit entities Mostly run by volunteers
Where are the Chapters ?
Where are the Chapters? .
How are Chapters formed? Local interested community Assemble founding members Hold ‘planning’ meeting Complete necessary local formalities Complete application form on ISOC website Review by ISOC “Due diligence” exercised Review by chapter delegates mailing list Submit by-laws in English and list of 25 members Chartered and approved
Chapters in Formation Current Applications Cambodia Macedonia Chad Northern Nigeria Cote d’Ivoire Nepal Madras, India Sudan Kenya United Arab Emirates Recently formed ISOC Romania, ISOC Democratic Republic of Congo, ISOC Republic of Congo, ISOC Burundi
Chapter Development Not all chapters are active Survey in 2006 indicated that approximately 15 are inactive, more are ‘not very active’ 3 chapters were ‘uncontactable’ Beginning 2004 increase in focus on chapters Regional bureaus Project funding Additional staff resources (Snr Manager + 1)
Chapter Development Strengthening chapters Establish information repository ‘How to’ guides, publicity, chapter management guidelines.. Assist chapters to provide value to their members IETF fellowship, co-ordination of multi-chapter events Co-ordinate initiatives to support involve younger members & new groups Chapter mentoring programme New chapters can be ‘mentored’ by more experienced chapters Facilitate participation of non English speakers Regional bureaus
Regional Bureaus One year pilot Activities Africa and LAC bureaus created late 2006 Others may follow e.g Asia Activities Work closely with chapters Strengthen chapters and support new chapters Develop bureau websites targeted to region Participate in organising regional symposiums Involve bureaus in policy & education initiatives in regions Participate in multilingualism activities
Chapter Development Improve chapter to chapter communication Regular on-line and in person meetings Discussion forums (blogs) Chapter ‘news’ wiki Revise policies and procedures Encourage consistent ‘look and feel’ Need to ensure open, transparent & accountable Policies for reinvigorating chapters when inactive
Pilot ‘news’ wiki
Chapter Development Membership database Evaluation of current system (2006) Different models of business rules exist Review of business rules needed with view to agreement on one model To be developed in consultation with chapters Staff position to be recruited
Chapter Development Project funding Proposal criteria $US 200,000 available for 2007 Available to chapters and members Two rounds of funding: April & Sept More information Proposal criteria Any member or chapter in ‘good standing’ Results must be made publicly available Expected outcome and benefits to the community, project schedule, partner orgs, results shared with community
Chapter Development Project Funding awards Nov 2006 ISOC Hong Kong $9,000 compilation of a book providing an in-depth study of the emerging digital public sphere PICISOC, Fiji US$3,000 to run a competition to localise Firefox to the native language of the user ISOC Argentina and Disability & Special Needs Chapter US$6,450 to promote web accessibility ISOC Morocco $10,000 to create a portal for the visually impaired ISOC Israel US$10,000 to IT Peace Ambassadors ISOC Québec US$10,000 to a pilot to "Connect Québec" 95% high-speed Internet penetration in Québec by 2017
Focus on one Project ISOC Puerto Rico - $10,000 Internet Clubs project focusing on education and leadership for young people through the Internet Established 2 ‘Internet clubs’ in Metropolitan area school and in a “special community” Developed first ever websites Trained 25 school teachers and 20 students ages 10-18 Established an internship programme with technology company Planned to establish 10 more Internet clubs
Argentina, Pacific Islands and Québec Focus on Chapters Argentina, Pacific Islands and Québec
Focus on Chapters - Argentina Incorporated in 1994 - 3rd resurrection of chapter 34 members, 162 pending Activities 2006 was “reconstruction” year 3 large events planned for 2007 Workshops (Apr), web accessibility (Jun) (Project Funding), Argentinian INET in (Sep) 3 WG’s: Technology, Public policy and ‘inclusiveness’ Challenges Finances! Charge $20 US/year membership fee Keeping people motivated
Focus on Chapters - PICISOC Regional Chapter Covering 22 island states, 420 members Chartered in 1999 & incorporated in 2005 Activities IPv6 forum summit, dynamic coalition on access & connectivity for remote communities (IGF), PacINET Aug 06/07, Internet in the Pacific (Project Funding)…more.. SIGs IPv6, Free & Open Source Software (FOSS), Women in Technology (WIT), CROP-ICT, Education, GIS, new media.. Challenges Bandwidth and cost of bandwidth for average user
Focus on Chapters - Québec Chartered since 2000, 200 members Activities First annual internet 2020 conference on free software Get together day for Quebec Internet Pioneers Forum on the virtualisation of reality of Internet in schools Produce recommendation for IDN implementation under .ca Participation and animation in ICANN NARALO Challenges Hard to organise activitites with no staff Recruiting corporate members who can provide some funding, since ind. membership is free Equal male-female representation on our board
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