Clinical Laboratory Tom Dinkelman CBET/CLES 30 years experience in electronics Almost all in laboratory instrumentation of one sort or another
Lab Departments in a Lab (varies widely dependent on size of laboratory and specialties) Anatomic Pathology Histology (study of solid tissues) microscopes, microtones, tissue processors, slide strainers, Cytology (study of cell smears) microscopes, tissue processors, Surgical Pathology (study of surgical tissue samples) cryostats, microscopes
Lab Clinical Microbiology Bacteriology (study of bacteria) microscopes, incubators, Virology (study of viruses) Phraseology (study of parasites) microscopes, incubators, Mycology (study of fungi) Immunology (study of immune system) analyzers
Lab Clinical Biochemistry Chemistry (study of body fluid chemistry) Toxicology (study of toxic chemicals)(recreational drugs, heavy metals) Immunology/Serology (study of antigen and antibodies) Urinalysis (study of urine) analyzers, spectrophotometers
Lab Hematology Hematology (study of blood cells) cell counters, microscopes, slide strainers, analyzers. Coagulation (study of clotting) Coagulation timers, clotting factor analyzers Transfusion Medicine (study of blood types
Lab Molecular Diagnostics/Genetics Cryogenics (study of karyotype) (Chromosomes) PCR (DNA Xerox machine) electrophorisis devices (DNS ladders), Acquisition Phlebotomy (blood draw) Specimen Mnagement (laboratory information system)
Lab Equipment Centrifuge (wide varieties) sample prep Shakers, rocker, rollers, mixers (wide varieties) sample prep Incubators (human cell, bacteria, fungus, parasite) aerobic (with O2)/anaerobic (without O2)
Lab Equipment Chromotography (separation of color) Ph Meters (ionic analyzers) forms a battery (can be ion specific) Refractometers (Light bouncing of surfaces) Spectrophotometers (effect on light wavelength when passing threw or bouncing off sample) lamp, monochromator, (light splitter (prism or mirror),light detector
Equipment Osmomometer (effect on freezing and boiling point) Particle Counters (radioactive materials) Microsopes Flamephotometers (change in flame when chemical is burned) Atomic Absorption /Mass Spectrophotometers