September 2002 IEEE P1394.1 Liaison Report Peter Johansson September 13, 2002 Peter Johansson, Congruent Software, Inc.
IEEE P1394.1 High Performance Serial Bus Bridges Connects with IEEE 802.11 because of “wireless 1394” Two standards essential for “wireless 1394” IEEE P802.11e Quality of Service IEEE P1394.1 Bridges “Wireless 1394” under development in 1394 Trade Association Thin protocol adaptation layer (PAL) between IEEE 1394 SAP and IEEE P802.11e SAP Peter Johansson, Congruent Software, Inc.
IEEE P1394.1 Status Out of 517 original Sponsor Ballot comments, 82 unresolved as of publication of P1394.1 Draft 1.03 Ballot Response Committee (BRC) met September 4 - 6 Progress report on formal methods verification of net update procedures underway at Technische Universiteit, Eindhoven Clean-up of isochronous stream management messages Agreement in principle on resolution of 61 ballot comments 21 ballot comments unresolved; BRC discussion continues Next BRC meeting at end of October BRC anticipates Recirculation Ballot in 2002 Peter Johansson, Congruent Software, Inc.
IEEE P1394.1 Contact Information EMail reflector: Chair: Peter Johansson Congruent Software, Inc. 98 Colorado Avenue Berkeley, CA 94707 (510) 527-3926 (510) 527-3856 FAX Peter Johansson, Congruent Software, Inc.