First Ever Prints Lascaux caves around 17 000 BC Animal blood, charcoal, plant dye Decoration or stories?
Pable Picasso, “Banderillas”, 1959 Prints can be made from stone, metal, wood or lino Pable Picasso, “Banderillas”, 1959
Pablo Picasso, 1962, “ Tete De Femme” Line Line: A line is a continuous mark created on a surface with length and direction. It can be a mark used to define a shape, outline or contour. Get pupils to point out different kinds of line in print Pablo Picasso, 1962, “ Tete De Femme”
Pablo Picasso, “The Bullfight in Red and Yellow”, 1959 Shape A shape is a 2 dimensional line with no volume or thickness. Shapes are flat It is distinguishable from its surroundings by its outline. There are two types of shapes, geometric or organic. Get pupils to to tell me if these are organic or geometric shapes Pablo Picasso, “The Bullfight in Red and Yellow”, 1959
Pablo Picasso, 1962, “Mother and Child with Dancer and Flute Player” Space Space: is the distance or area between, below, above, around or within something. Space can give a feeling of depth or 3 dimensions to an artwork. Positive Space: the area occupied by the primary objects. Negative Space: the area around the primary objects in an image, for example the area between a cup and its handle. Get pupils to point out positive and negative space Pablo Picasso, 1962, “Mother and Child with Dancer and Flute Player”
Pable Picasso, “Banderillas”, 1959
Positive space → Negative Space →
The surface quality or “feel” of an object for example, the smoothness, roughness, softness etc.
Technically these are both? TYPES TACTILE VISUAL Technically these are both?
Natural & Manmade texture
Gertrude Hermes, “Ring Net Fishers”, 1955
Edvard Munch, ‘The Scream’ 1895 How many kinds of lines can you see? What do these create? Is there a balance of white and black (positive and negative space) ?
Where is the positive and negative space? Is there a balance? Point to texture? How has he achieved texture?
Nick Mackman, “Prairie Dog” Where is the positive and negative space here?
Nick Mackman, “Eagle Owl” How many different kinds of lines has she made?
Abstraction An abstract artwork is one that does not depict a person, place or thing in the natural world -- even in an extremely distorted or exaggerated way. Therefore, the subject of the work is based on what you see: color, shapes, lines, space, scale. NON REPRESENTATIONAL NON FIGURATIVE
Relief Printing A printmaking process where protruding surface faces of the printing plate or block are inked; recessed areas are ink free. You ink the face of the matrix and bringing it in firm contact with the paper.
Reduction Print Method Process of using one block to print several layers of colour on one print. This usually involves cutting a small amount of the block away, and then printing the block many times over on different sheets before washing the block, cutting more away and printing the next colour on top. This allows the previous colour to show through. This process can be repeated many times over. What is the advantage and disadvantage of this method? The advantages of this process is that only one block is needed, and that different components of an intricate design will line up perfectly. The disadvantage is that once the artist moves on to the next layer, no more prints can be made.
Development of Ideas-10 marks Preliminary sheet- Final design proposal
Design- 20 marks Relevant to question Shows knowledge of constraints of craft Be able to work within timeframe Various compositional designs worked through Show spatial understanding Contrasts in texture Choice of colour Choice of background effects
Process 30 marks Imaginative and creative Analyse work in progress and make changes Appropriate technique Proficiency of technique Show awareness of aesthetic and practical considerations Look like design
Craft Skills 40 marks Display confidence in lino cutting Display awareness of its possibilities and limitations Awareness of sequence when printing (reduction method) Design elements relevant (colour, line, space, texture, shape)