Title Projections of Glucose
Fischer Projection Fischer Projections of D-Glucose CHO OH HO CH2OH 3 4 5 CHO OH HOH2C HO = rotate C5 about C4 by 120o form hemiacetals between C5-OH and C1 D-(+)-Glucose
Fischer Anomers Fischer Projections of D-Glucopyranose Anomers right alpha left beta HO C C OH OH OH HO HO OH OH O O CH2OH CH2OH b-D-(+)-Glucopyranose a-D-(+)-Glucopyranose
Haworth Anomers Haworth Projections of D-Glucopyranose Anomers up (top) beta down (bottom) alpha b-D-(+)-Glucopyranose a-D-(+)-Glucopyranose
Conformational Anomers Chair Conformations of D-Glucopyranose Anomers Conformational Anomers down (bottom) alpha up (top) beta O H O H b-D-(+)-Glucopyranose a-D-(+)-Glucopyranose
Mnemonic How an Old Salt Remembers the D-Series bow starboard port stern starboard port right left green light red light fewer letters more letters alpha beta Port-left-red and starboard-right-green. All the words with fewer letters go together. The red light is on the left side (port) of a ship or plane. Likewise the alpha anomer in the D-series has the anomeric hydroxyl on the right in the Fischer projection, on the top (up) in the Haworth projection the conformational structure. down up bottom top
The End The End