India Label Maharashtra and Bihar on your map – these are the two states of India that you are going to be investigating today.
Core and periphery Periphery Economic growth suffers as people migrate away to the core. Rural areas stuck in a cycle of poverty Core Where industries and ports have developed attracting investment and people to work there in a multiplier effect What evidence would you expect to find to show that an area is in a core or periphery region?
What is top- down development? These tend to be big schemes and decisions are made by the national government. Local people who often live near the scheme do not get involved in the process Examples:
Top Down Decision Making Local People
What is bottom-up development? Local people are fully involved in the process and decision making Examples:
Bottom Up Decision Making External Groups e.g. World Bank, TNCs Decision made here National Government Local People
Top Down Approach Conditions often attached to the loans Relies on external links and technology Dams etc provide energy needed for the country to develop Uses machinery etc rather than providing jobs for local people Top Down Approach Often environmentally effective as they use cheaper fuels e.g. HEP Country gets into debt as it borrows money from the World Bank etc As these areas grow the take away resources from peripheral areas
Bottom up Approach Involve the local people Appropriate technology to the local skill level Bottom up Approach Low cost Very limited impact of national poverty levels