Classification of Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities for Paralympic competition The Sport Cognitive Test
Who is this presentation for? Athletes who may go through classification Coaches Classifiers Media Families and other supporters Competition organisers Any one else who is interested
What will this presentation tell you? What is involved in the first part of sports classification – the Sport Cognitive Test If you need to know more about Eligibility and Classification see Or watch a video about the re-inclusion of athletes into the Paralympics
First an introduction from Jan Burns Head of Eligibility for Point & Click
These next series of video clips will show you step by step what happens when you do the Sport Cognitive Test Battery This next clip tells you what happens before you do the test…….
Point & Click
You will now see the sorts of tests you will be asked to do Three things to remember when watching these clips…… 1.If you do not speak English we will help you to understand what we are asking you to do 2.All the tests give you a chance you practice before the real tests 3.The tests will be longer in real life
Getting started Point & Click
Trying your best! It is very important that you try your best If the classifier thinks you are not trying your best they may ask you to try harder If you do not understand what you need to do, tell the classifier and your coach
The role of the coach or helper Your role is to: – Make sure the athlete arrives with the right information e.g. Identification – Help the athlete to understand what the classifier is asking them to do BUT – You must NOT help the athlete once they are doing the tests for real – You must not intervene at all in the tests, unless requested by the classifier
Doing the computer tests Point & Click
The tests… There are 9 tests all together 7 are done on the computer 2 on the table top The computer is a special one and has a touch screen so do not be worried about touching the screen when we ask you to
Finishing up… Point & Click
What happens next? These tests are the first part of sports classification If you compete in athletics or table tennis you will be asked to do some specific sports tests designed to demonstrate various skills If you are a swimmer you will be videoed in the pool during competition Classifiers may also observe you at other times during competition.
If I want to know more? The IPC has helpful information on their website including….. – The IPC Classification code – The IPC Classification rules and regulations – Click on the books to visit these sites
Wishing you success! Point & Click
Acknowledgements A number of people need to be thanked for their help in making this presentation: – Jennifer Maris – Jade Redfern – Caroline Haig – Jo Webber Also the support of two organisations