Headings Vocabulary Important Info Circulatory System Headings Vocabulary Important Info
Functions of the Circulatory System Carry nutrients & O2 to the body Carry CO2 and other wastes away from the cells Combat disease (working with the immune system) Maintain body temperature
Circulatory Terms Pericardium – membrane around the heart Pulse – surge of blood through artery as the heart beats Atria – upper chamber(s) of the heart Ventricle – lower chamber(s) of the heart Septum – tissue dividing the chambers
Valves – open & close to control the flow of blood from atria to ventricle Blood pressure – force that blood exerts on vessels Pacemaker – group of cells in the upper right atrium that controls beating of the heart (also called the sinoatrial node)
The Components of Blood Plasma – fluid portion of blood, straw colored liquid, moves blood cells Red Blood Cells (RBC) – round disk cells that carry oxygen, contain hemoglobin Hemoglobin – iron containing protein that picks up O2 and CO2 White Blood Cells (WBC) – infection by attacking pathogens Platelets – cell fragments, help blood to clot WBC Platelet RBC
Break in Capillary Wall How Blood Clots Clot- sticky network of fibers that form to plug the opening Platelets clump together & fibers form These dry, forming a scab Clumping of Platelets Platelets clump at the site and release thromboplastin. Thromboplastin converts prothrombin into thrombin. Break in Capillary Wall Blood vessels injured. Clot Forms Thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin, which causes a clot. The clot prevents further loss of blood..
Human Blood Types Antigens are protein tags on the outside of the RBCs. Antibodies are proteins floating in the blood. Antigens and antibodies must recognize one another or the antibodies will attach & signal for help from Immune System
Type A Blood Type B Blood Type AB Blood Type O Blood 1. Contains A antigens 2. Contains anti-B antibodies Type B Blood 1. Contains B antigens 2. Contains anti-A antibodies Type AB Blood 1. Contains A & B antigens 2. Contains no antibodies 3. Universal recipient Type O Blood 1. No antigens 2. Has both anti-A &anti-B antibodies 3. Universal donor
Rh Factor + or – antigen Problems in Pregnancy: If mom is Rh- and baby is Rh +, then mom’s body will make antibodies to kill the “threat” First child = OK May make others anemic or miscarry Doctor can give the mother a shot to prevent
Blood Vessels Arteries Veins Capillaries Carry oxygenated blood AWAY from the heart Large, thick walled, muscular vessels Under pressure, pulsate Veins Carry deoxygenated blood TOWARD heart Not as elastic Valves prevent back flow Capillaries Smallest blood vessels, very thin Allow for diffusion of gases & wastes Connects Arteries & Veins
Fish 2 chambered heart 1 atria receives deoxygenated blood from the body and sends it to the 1 ventricle which sends it to the gills and the body Slow blood flow all energy pushes blood through the gills Path: Atria Ventricle Gills Body
Amphibians Tadpoles Adults Have 3 chambered heart Have a 2 chambered heart Tadpole has gills like a fish Adults Have 3 chambered heart 2 atria & 1 ventricle One atrium receives oxygen-rich blood from the skin & lungs A second atrium receives oxygen-poor blood from the body Both feed into the single ventricle that pumps blood back to the body
* Ventricle partially separated by the septum Reptiles Usually have a 3 chambered heart Some large reptiles have a 4 chambered heart (crocodilians) * Ventricle partially separated by the septum
* Ventricles totally separated by septum Birds and Mammals 4 chambered heart 2 atria & 2 ventricles Oxygenated blood is completely separated from deoxygenated blood = SEPTUM Allows more oxygen & energy for muscles and tissues More efficient system helps maintain body temperature Path of Blood Flow: Body Right atrium Right ventricle Pulmonary artery Lungs (absorbs oxygen) Pulmonary vein Left atrium Left ventricle Aorta back to body * Ventricles totally separated by septum