Microorganisms and Pathogens January 11, 2018
Bell Work 1-11-18 1. Which of the following is an example of indirect contact? Touching an open wound Inhaling air droplets after a sneeze Sexual intercourse 2. Explain a droplet precaution Used anytime a patient is suspected of or has confirmed infection with large particle microorganism that are expelled by coughing, laughing sneezing or talking Used on a patient with the Flu Only important if the patient has a fever A and B 3. This process kills bacteria and most microorganisms but not the spores Sanitation Disinfection Sterilization
Standard 10) Define the term normal flora and explain how its deviation can prevent or cause a disease or disorder. Outline specific preventive measures to align to acceptable standards of care in the healthcare field
Objectives By the end of class – Classify the five types of pathogens Evaluate one pathogen-causing disease
Microorganisms and Pathogens A microorganism is a microscopic organism seen only by using a microscope Not all microorganisms cause disease Harmless microorganisms on our body are called “normal flora” Microorganisms that cause disease are called “pathogens” It is important for us to remember while we are talking about pathogens that all microorganisms do not cause disease.
Pathogens Require nutrients, moisture, warmth, and neutral pH to grow and thrive Aerobic pathogens require oxygen to survive Anaerobic pathogens require oxygen-free environment to survive Pathogens are disease-producing microorganisms. Understanding what they need to grow and survive helps us to be able to control the spread of pathogens.
Types of Pathogens Virus Bacteria Fungus Parasites Protozoan Five main types of pathogens: Virus Bacteria Fungus Parasites Protozoan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9U_--fcNms There are five main types of pathogens. For the benefit of medical assisting and infection control, we are going to learn these five.
Virus Viruses are the smallest type of microorganism. They are made up of only a few molecules. Viruses invade the cells of a living organism where they reproduce more viruses. More than 400 types Diseases - common cold, flu, rhinovirus, norovirus, chicken pox, measles, herpes, hepatitis B and C, HIV, and AIDS
Bacteria Bacteria are one-celled microorganisms that are classified by shape. Three types: cocci—round shape, bacilli— rod shape, spirilla—spiral shape Spores are thick-walled cells created by bacteria to aid in reproduction and to make the bacteria resistant to harsh environments. Spores can result in serious illness. Bacterial infections include staph infections, strep throat, Lyme disease, and gonorrhea There are literally hundreds of bacterial infections. Bacteria can also be divided into gram positive and gram negative. Practice listing all the bacterial infections that you know about. Some bacteria are helpful. For example, the bacteria that exist in the small intestines help to digest food. Also, several food products, such as yogurt and cheese, are made by using bacteria. Some bacteria, however, produce toxins that make people sick. Bacteria can also produce spores. Spores are thick-walled cells created by bacteria to aid in reproduction and to make the bacteria resistant to harsh environments. Spores are difficult to eliminate and can result in serious sicknesses
Fungus Fungi are plant-like microorganisms that can be found in the air, in soil, on plants, or in water. Yeast, mold, and mushroom Many present in body’s normal flora Many do not cause disease Fungal infections include athlete’s foot, ringworm, thrush, and yeast infections Mushrooms, yeasts, and molds are all in the fungus group. Fungus resides on our body as normal flora and does not harm us.
Parasite Can infect eyes, nose, brain, intestines Derive a benefit from their host without giving anything back 2 Types 1. Ectoparasites (outside): Fleas, mice, mosquitos, ticks Pass on diseases like Malaria, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and typhus 2. Endoparasites (within): Tape worms, round worms Eating undercooked meat and drinking contaminated water.
Lice Fleas
Protozoan – type of Endoparasite Protozoan are the simplest organisms in the animal kingdom. Live mainly in soil Spread through fecal–oral route by ingested contaminated food or water Some spread by mosquitoes or other insects Most protozoa need moisture to survive, so they are often found in watery environments. Diseases - malaria, dysentery, and African sleeping sickness Protozoan infections commonly infect persons with low immunity.
Mosquitos (an Ectoparasite) transmit Malaria by sharing an endoparasite, plasmodium.
Harmless microorganisms on our body are called Q&A Harmless microorganisms on our body are called
Microorganisms that cause disease are called?
Assignment: Pathogen Wanted Posters Research pathogen and produce a “Wanted Poster” Must sign up for your pathogen. Everyone will have different pathogen to research. Present your pathogen in class tomorrow
Requirements: Will Turn in for 40 points, Present on Tuesday Photo or drawing Pathogen type: bacteria, virus, fungus, etc. Organism’s “M.O.” (how it attacks and spreads) Is it considered armed and dangerous? ( Is it chronic or acute, or both?) Most common victims to prey upon Hide out of the culprit (where is it most likely to be found) Most effective weapons against the pathogen (vaccine, medicine?) One additional interesting characteristic