¡Exprésate! UNO Chapter 3-1 Pronouns after Prepositions Page 88
Punto # 1 Pronouns can stand for the same noun yet still have different forms depending on how they’re being used in the sentence.
Punto # 1 continued I am Javier. I am 15 years old and I like to draw. Both stand for Javier Yo soy Javier. Yo tengo quince años y me gusta dibujar.
Punto # 2 Pronouns have a different form when they come after prepositions, such as a (to), de (of, from, about), con (with), and en (in, on, at).
Punto # 2 continued SUBJECT With gustar After preposition Yo Me Mí Tú Usted, él, ella Le Nosotros Nos Vosotros Os Ustedes, ellos, ellas Les
Punto # 3 The pronouns mí and tí combine with con to make the special forms conmigo and contigo.
Punto # 4 With gustar, the phrase formed by a and a pronoun can be added to a sentence to clarify or emphasize who likes something.
Punto # 4 contined Do you like to draw? Adds emphasis ¿A tí te gusta dibujar?
Punto # 4 continued I don’t like it. She likes it. adds emphasis clarifies A mí no me gusta. A ella le gusta.