Breakouts and Binders Industrial Sales Group 31 Presented by: Toni Galata
Sales at WesTech Domestic Projects (if your request originates within US/Canada) All US and Canadian Sales Reps Covered at all times, either by Toni or Sara We don’t travel, always in office Always copy! International Projects (If your request originates anywhere else) All international Sales Reps Covered by Cheryl Davider Doesn’t Travel, always in office Always Copy!
Why copy the Proposal Coordinator? I’m not saying this came from anyone here at WesTech……………………………… Why copy the Proposal Coordinator?
But here is what mine looks like This is Why.
What is a Binder Info Email? Binder Info emails are our confirmation we’re working on something for you. Why is it called a Binder? (Tell Cindy Story) What are the parts?
Parts of the Binder Info Email Agent(s) Regional Sales Manager, Applications Engineer, Estimator Copied Opportunity Number, Project Name Opportunity Number! (Please reference in your emails regarding project) Name of the project (Did I get it right?) RSM, AE, Secondary agent and estimators are copied. (This is your reference list for who’s working on the project) Attached Breakout (let’s look at that)
Breakouts Opportunity Number Due Dates: - Internal - External Budgetary or Firm? Who did the breakout Equipment breakdown and groups responsible Industry (Please help with this) Highlighted info Date Due to Agent/Customer Location, Agents involved, Project Name Engineer? Equipment Sections and group assignments
Breakouts These pages include proprietary sizing information given to estimators. Never send our breakouts to a customer, these pages are confidential. Equipment Pages These are more detailed will include notes to estimators. Sizes, quantity, flow, TSS, Materials of construction etc.
International Breakouts Project Name International Breakouts are in Excel. Very similar info, and set up.
What if it’s Wrong? Discuss – Send email back to IS and RSM. State what’s missing and incorrect. Reply all works great!
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