Daily Slides and Activities Literature Circles Daily Slides and Activities
Day 1: Journal Summary Questions Other Tasks Did you know that it can take months to design a book cover for a book? Creative Directors consider everything: color, shadow, font, image, material, etc. They not only want to appeal to a particular audience, but they want to communicate something about the book through the design. Together, study the cover of your lit circle book. Discuss everything about it—the color, objects, type of text, etc. Write down what you notice and what that might mean about the content and tone of the book. What message could the design be sending? Why would the creative director choose that picture, image, or design over something else? *You should write your journal entries together. This means when you bring them up to me, I will see almost identical entries. Each person should make contributions to the entry. Questions Other Tasks
Literature Circles – Day 1 Step 2: Summary Summarizer read aloud Discuss accuracy of summary, points to add, plot questions? Make notes on summarizer page Step 3: Questions Questioner read aloud each question Group has an adequate/appropriate discussion Make notes of main take always on questioner form Step 4: Other Tasks Share and discuss Focus on what this task does to enhance your understanding or appreciation. DO NOT move on without discussing it. (Reactions? Connections? Step 5: Follow Up Director goes to side table to fill out purple form Clarify text/tasks due for the next meeting Begin reading your next section
Reflect What did you do well? What can you improve upon? What did your group do well? What did your group improve upon?
Day 2: Journal Summary Questions Other Tasks What words would you use to describe the protagonist so far? Discuss this first, coming up with at least three main adjectives that capture the personality of the character. Then, keeping those ideas in mind, imagine your character is a new student at PVJH. How would he/she respond? What activities would he/she participate in? Why those? What classes would he/she excel or struggle in? Why? What group of friends would he/she fit into? What would the bus be like for him/her? Explain. Discuss these ideas as a group before you begin your journal. *You should write your journal entries together. This means when you bring them up to me, I will see almost identical entries. Each person should make contributions to the entry. Questions Other Tasks
Literature Circles – Day 2 Step 2: Summary Summarizer read aloud Discuss accuracy of summary, points to add, plot questions? Make notes on summarizer page Step 3: Questions Questioner read aloud each question Group has an adequate/appropriate discussion Make notes of main take always on questioner form Step 4: Other Tasks Share and discuss Focus on what this task does to enhance your understanding or appreciation. DO NOT move on without discussing it. (Reactions? Connections? Step 5: Follow Up Director goes to side table to fill out purple form Clarify text/tasks due for the next meeting Begin reading your next section
Reflect What did you do well? What can you improve upon? What did your group do well? What did your group improve upon?
Day 3: Journal Summary Questions Other Tasks Look at the topics list provided to your group. What topics do you see shining through so far? Make a list of the topics you see on your notebook paper. Next, discuss which ones you think are the most important or most prominent. Come to a consensus as to which two or three are the most important so far, and discuss what is happening in the novel that relates to them, why they are important, what message the author might be sending about each, etc. As a group, decide what you are going to say about each topic, and then complete your journal with a blurb about each. *You should write your journal entries together. This means when you bring them up to me, I will see almost identical entries. Each person should make contributions to the entry. Questions Other Tasks
Literature Circles – Day 3 Step 2: Summary Summarizer read aloud Discuss accuracy of summary, points to add, plot questions? Make notes on summarizer page Step 3: Questions Questioner read aloud each question Group has an adequate/appropriate discussion Make notes of main take always on questioner form Step 4: Other Tasks Share and discuss Focus on what this task does to enhance your understanding or appreciation. DO NOT move on without discussing it. (Reactions? Connections? Step 5: Follow Up Director goes to side table to fill out purple form Clarify text/tasks due for the next meeting Begin reading your next section
Reflect What did you do well? What can you improve upon? What did your group do well? What did your group improve upon?
Day 4: Journal Summary Questions Other Tasks Experts have identified seven qualities of a good reader. According to this list, a few things good readers do are as follows: they make predictions, visualize events of the text, and recognize confusion. Your journal today is based on these ideas, so as a group, discuss the following questions, and then write about your responses as your journal: What are the predictions each of you have? Explain. You can be general or decide to make predictions about something specific. What scene or scenes have you been able to visualize the best? What was about that passage that enabled you to picture it? (You could reference a specific passage.) What parts have been especially confusing to you? How have you overcome that confusion? What are you still confused about? Questions Other Tasks
Literature Circles – Day 4 Step 2: Summary Summarizer read aloud Discuss accuracy of summary, points to add, plot questions? Make notes on summarizer page Step 3: Questions Questioner read aloud each question Group has an adequate/appropriate discussion Make notes of main take always on questioner form Step 4: Other Tasks Share and discuss Focus on what this task does to enhance your understanding or appreciation. DO NOT move on without discussing it. (Reactions? Connections? Step 5: Follow Up Director goes to side table to fill out purple form Clarify text/tasks due for the next meeting Begin reading your next section
Reflect What did you do well? What can you improve upon? What did your group do well? What did your group improve upon?
Day 5: Journal Summary Questions Other Tasks Holy cow! You are nearing the end of your book and your literature circle discussions, so that means it is time to revisit topics to determine what themes are popping out in the text. Yu will need the following: - The topic sheet you received last week. - The yellow theme handout you got earlier in the year (in literature tab – on stool if you need another copy). As a group, discuss the topics you are seeing the most in the text. Which ones are you seeing the most often? What lessons do you think are attached to these ideas? Often, changes in the protagonist point us to theme. How is the protagonist changing? What lessons has he/she learned? After discussing, take some time to write about your major takeaway. Questions Other Tasks
Literature Circles – Day 4 Step 2: Summary Summarizer read aloud Discuss accuracy of summary, points to add, plot questions? Make notes on summarizer page Step 3: Questions Questioner read aloud each question Group has an adequate/appropriate discussion Make notes of main take always on questioner form Step 4: Other Tasks Share and discuss Focus on what this task does to enhance your understanding or appreciation. DO NOT move on without discussing it. (Reactions? Connections? Step 5: Follow Up Director goes to side table to fill out purple form Clarify text/tasks due for the next meeting Begin reading your next section
Reflect What did you do well? What can you improve upon? What did your group do well? What did your group improve upon?
Day 6: Journal Summary Questions Other Tasks You are done! Great job! While I hope you enjoyed the book you chose, it is okay if you didn’t; the book’s feelings won’t be hurt and neither will mine. Sometimes things work out, and sometimes they don’t. Either way, it is important to think carefully and deeply about what it was in the book that you liked and/or didn’t like, so you know what to look for in the future. Also, keep in mind that you can like some parts of a book but not all parts. For this journal, you will actually journal first and then share with your group. Take some time to think about what you would rate the book on a scale from 1to 10. What parts did you like? What parts would you change? Make sure you can back up your rating with specific events or details, so you can discuss this with your group members. Questions Other Tasks
Literature Circles – Day 6 Step 2: Summary Summarizer read aloud Discuss accuracy of summary, points to add, plot questions? Make notes on summarizer page Step 3: Questions Questioner read aloud each question Group has an adequate/appropriate discussion Make notes of main take always on questioner form Step 4: Other Tasks Share and discuss Focus on what this task does to enhance your understanding or appreciation. DO NOT move on without discussing it. (Reactions? Connections? Step 5: Follow Up Director goes to side table to fill out purple form Clarify text/tasks due for the next meeting Begin reading your next section