Oceania Team Trivia
Have one person write the answers for your team; you have 60 seconds to turn in your answer to me after each question to get the point (s) I can deduct points for penalties 3 Rounds – Questions in each round worth one point each. You may use your study guide answers, notes, and maps. FINAL question: Can bet UP to the number of points your team currently has (like Final Jeopardy): If you get the question wrong, this time, it counts AGAINST your team Rules
Round 1 Category: Physical Geography and Human- Environment Interaction
#1 What is the relative location of the Great Barrier Reef to Australia?
#1 Answer: Northeast coast
#2 Ring-shaped island formed by coral?
#2 Answer: atoll
#3 Short, shrub-like trees in Australia?
#3 Answer: wattles
#4 Complex community of interdependent things in a given environment.
#4 Answer: ecosystem
#5 Pacific island where the world’s first hydrogen bomb was exploded?
#5 Answer: Bikini Atoll
#6 Invasive species brought to Australia in 1859?
#6 Answer: rabbits
Round 2 Category: Human Geography
#1 Which region of Oceania is named because of its “many islands”?
#1 Answer: Polynesia
#2 Which people migrated to New Zealand almost 1,000 years ago?
#2 Answer: Maori
#3 What major city in Australia began as a penal colony?
#3 Answer: Sydney
#4 What is the largest religion in the Pacific Islands?
#4 Answer: Christianity
#5 Most of the governments in Oceania today are what type?
#5 Answer: democracies
#6 What country is also a continent?
#6 Answer: Australia
#7 The USA fought what nation during World War II in the Pacific Ocean region?
#7 Answer: Japan
Round 3 Category: Maps
#1 Identify this country
#1 Answer: French Polynesia
#2 Answer: Papua New Guinea
#3 Identify this territory
#3 Answer: New South Wales
#4 What is the capital of this territory?
#4 Answer: Brisbane
#5 Identify this landform
#5 Answer: Ross Ice Shelf
Final Question Category: Human Geography
What two nations of Oceania have the highest standard of living? Final Question: 2 parts What two nations of Oceania have the highest standard of living?
Final Question Answers: 1) Australia 2) New Zealand