Purpose of Baby Think It Over To experience the responsibilities of caring for a baby To discourage teen pregnancy
Signing Up for a Weekend! Sign up for weekend on calendar Verify date with teacher two weeks in advance How to cancel scheduled weekend Work schedules-respect for others School activities Gender choice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Planning Ahead Choosing weekend Work School activities Babysitter Young siblings Family pets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What If??? Snow day? Friday-yeah! or Monday-stinks to be you! No school for an unknown reason Mrs. Perkins is ill What if you are sick on Monday You are a heavy sleeper- How will I hear my baby? Trust me on this one-you will hear your baby ~~~~~~~
Baby Check Out Procedures Come in IMMEDIATELY after school on assigned Friday bus riders-let me know ahead of time-first priority Pick up baby, diaper bag, sensor, car seat Sensor MUST stay on your wrist-no points if you remove wristband! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Returning Baby on Monday Bring baby to my room (162) between 7:20 and 7:30 am-NO LATER!!! I am an extremely prompt person-follow my example. What if I am not here when you return the baby? What if you are ill on Monday morning? Do not pass go-hang out on bridge-roam the hallways with your baby! Hopefully you will not look or feel like the picture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MY Babies DO NOT go to: The BRIDGE Parties Ballgames After parties How will I know??? ~~~~~
Car Safety NEVER Never leave your baby in the car unattended- not even for one second
Car Safety Car seat safety-buckle up-backseat of car Driving safety-what if my baby cries while I am driving? Baby can walk home depending on weather (rain) Go directly to your ride after you pick up baby If baby cries while you are driving let baby cry until you can safely care for your baby. Do NOT try to feed baby or perform other care while you are driving! Wait until you can find a safe area to stop and then take care of your baby. Bus riders-the bus drivers like my babies! ~~~~~
Important Information Batteries-red flashing battery light Do NOT open battery compartment Start/end times Data-final simulation data What if my baby does not cry-you are lucky-this has only happened once in my seven years at West-continue to care for baby the entire weekend. ~~~~~~~~
Care of baby supplies Clean hands Denim jeans Babys skin Diapers Car seats-diaper bags-baby clothes Wristbands Keep baby dry-no bathing-water-moisture ~~~~~~~`
When Baby Cries: If you hear the chime try these: Feed Burp Rock Change diaper Rough handling (rock baby) Head support failure (rock baby) Shaken baby (rock baby) STOP-this will cost you $$$$ If there is NO chime try these: Wrong position (place baby on their back) Try the ID again ~~~~
Parenting Classes vs. Driving Something to think about! In the real world how much practice or classes are required before you leave the hospital with your newborn baby?
Correct Sensors for Babies
Be Patient Stay Calm Call a Friend Do Your Best If you have questions you can always me The END