MLA Format: Citation
Citation How do you let people know where your information is from? How do you avoid plagiarism? MLA Citation is the way writers give credit to the sources they used to find out facts, ideas, information and quotations. Two components In-text citations Works Cited Page Citation is very specific and must be perfect!
In-Text Citations You MUST use these after using information from another source. Also called parenthetical citation because this info is always in (parentheses). Whether it is a direct quote or in your own words, it must be cited! Usually after the sentence, before the period: Author and page number: (Mendell 34). Title and page number (if you don’t know the author): (“Obama: From Promise to Power” 34). ALWAYS follow your citation with a period (.)! NEVER include a web address in a In-Text Citation
In-Text Citation Example Obama is known for using the bible and quotes from Dr. King in his speeches (Mendell 227). Put sentence in my own words. Page # Author Name
When do I use in-text citations? If you got information from another source. If you are putting a part of the source in your own words (paraphrase). If you are using a direct quote (word for word sentence from the source).
Works Cited Page An alphabetized list that will be the last page of your paper. It lists all the sources you used in a very organized and specific way.
Books Last Name, First. Book Title. City of Publication: Publisher name, Year of Publishing.
Books Mendell, David. Obama: From Promise to Power. New York: Haper Collins, 2007.
Title is underlined and key words are capitalized Last name, First. Mendell, David. Obama: From Promise to Power. New York: HaperCollins, 2007. Double Spaced Publication info: Publication city: Publisher, Year published
Newspaper Last Name, First. “Title of article.” Newspaper Name Date: Page Number.
Newspaper Superville, Darlene. “Obama talks jobs with Jobs, other tech leaders.” Detroit News 17 Feb. 2011: A1.
Title of article in quotation marks Last name, First Superville, Darlene. “Obama talks jobs with Jobs, other tech leaders.” Detroit News 17 Feb. 2011: A1. Pg # Newspaper title underlined
Online Magazine Article Last Name, First. “Title of Article.” Magazine Name Date article was written. Date article was accessed. <URL>.
Online Magazine Article Grunwald, Michael. “The Stimulus turns two: How Obama quietly changed Washington.” Time 17 Feb. 2011. 20 Feb. 2011. < politics/article/0,8599,2049816,00.html >.
URL with < > around it Last name, First Article Title Grunwald, Michael. “The Stimulus turns two: How Obama quietly changed Wahshington.” Time 17 Feb. 2011. 20 Feb. 2011. < time/politics/article 0,8599,2049816,00.html >. Name of the magazine URL with < > around it Two dates: 1st date: when the article was written 2nd date: when you found the article online
Web Site Name of Website creator. “Title of the Webpage.” Website. Date webpage was updated. Date of access. <URL>. Indent
Web Site Lidbury, Jessie. “Protect Our State.” Organizing for America. 17 Feb. 2011. 20 Feb. 2011. < http:/ page/community/post/jessielidbury/ gGMblmoverride_wrapper_id= Iw3h4&state=WI&source=BOF >.
Author of website, if available If no author start with title of the webpage Title of the entire Website Lidbury, Jessie. “Protect Our State.” Organizing for America. 17 Feb. 2011. 20 Feb. 2011. < http:// community/post/jessielidbury/ gGMblmoverride_wrapper_id= Iw3h4&state=WI&source=BOF >. *Remember: 1st date is the date when the webpage was created/last updated. 2nd date is the date you accessed or found the webpage online. URL with < > around it then a (.)
Completed Works Cited Page Works Cited Anthony, David W. The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. Davis, Daniel R. History of English. Class Lecture on the History of English. College of Arts, Science, and Letters, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI. Sept.-Dec. 2008. Millward, C.M. A Biography of the English Language. Boston: Wadsworth Thomson, 1996.