Welcome to Curriculum Night Mrs. Nigliaccio’s Class
Morning Work and Schedule Start each day with review from last night’s math. Check assignment notebooks and homework. Specials Gym: Mon and Thurs @10:40 Media Arts: Tues @ 9:45, Thurs@ 9:30, Fri @ 10:55 Spanish: Tues @ 10:30, Thurs @8:15 Library: Mon @ 12:30
Homework Written on the board Written in assignment notebooks Posted Online Usually due the next day.
Amount of Homework 30-60 min Varies with child Sometimes no homework Tues and Wed have more classes
Assignment Notebooks Check nightly and discuss with child Talk about the assignments Initials=Rewards
Late or Missing Homework Will be posted on teacherease.com Child’s responsibility to make up work. I will not chase them down.
Grades All grades will be posted at teacherease.com Weekly
Failing Grades 69% or below Must get it signed Available @ 7:45 A.M. or after school Tests- retest before school or after school
Tests Study guides Signatures will get extra credit Study 10-15 minutes a night Flashcards Question and answer Have them teach it
E-mail and Wednesday Folders Most forms including retest forms will be sent in e-mail. Parent signature- Please print and send into school Please check daily Folders need to be signed and returned on Thursday Page count will be graded papers
Major Projects Native American Project- October through January Literature Circles- November through December American Revolution Puppets- April or May
Math Place Value of Whole Numbers and Decimals Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Whole Numbers and Decimals Use Charts and Graphs Factors and Multiples Begin Fractions
Reading Theme and Setting Vocabulary Skills Compare and Contrast Reading Fluency Resources Cause and Effect Generalization Author’s Purpose Genres Main Idea and Detail Character and Plot Theme and Setting Vocabulary Skills Compare and Contrast Fact and Opinion Sequencing Draw Conclusions
Religion Devine Revelation Parts of the Bible Holy Trinity Scripture Stories Liturgical Seasons The Body of Christ Sacraments
Science Physical Science Life Science Properties, states, and changes of matter Energy Electricity Forces Life Science Cells Classification Animal Growth Ecosystems Energy Survival Change People
Social Studies Use reading and critical thinking skills to discuss and evaluate history Develop note taking skills Ice Age Explorers Colonies American Revolution
English Writing and identifying parts of sentences Nouns Verbs Common and Proper Singular and Plural Possessive Verbs Subject-verb agreement Irregular Direct Objects Adjectives Pronouns
Vocabulary Spelling Definition Parts of Speech Antonyms Synonyms Context Clues Test every two weeks
Creative Writing Class is on Thursday Two to three weeks for each assignment Apply grammar and mechanics Follow the Writing Process Usually Typed
Thank You