Grasslands…. 2nd Grade Research
Grasslands are… Wide open spaces Few bushes and trees (only near rivers or streams)
Rainfall… 10-30 inches of rainfall per year If they had less they would turn into a desert. If they had more, they would turn into a forest. Photo by: ecstaticist's photostream on FLICKR
North American Grasslands… Used to be covered with herds of bison and pronghorn. Now covered with crops Rich agricultural soil for farming Photo by Gord McKenna
Types of North American Grasslands… Tall Grass Prairie- 5 feet tall. Mixed Grass Prairie- 2 and 3 feet tall. Short Grass Prairie-no more than 2 feet tall. The amount of rainfall affects how tall the grass is.
Grasslands of the World… 25% (one quarter) of the world is grassland Tropical grasslands -- those closest to the equator -- are hot all year. Temperate grasslands are farther from the equator -- such as the U.S. prairies -- and have both hot summers and harsh winters.
Other Names for Grasslands… In South America, grasslands are called "pampas"; in Europe, "steppes"; in Africa, "savannas
How are the Prairies maintained? The prairies are maintained by fire and grazing animals.
Grassland Plants… The tallest plant in the grasslands is called the Big Bluestem Grass. It grows to 11ft tall.