The Future of Cost & Data Analysis FlexFiles Agenda FlexFile is an automated data collection method used to seamlessly organize and centralize data to unleash the true potential of analysis This brief is a success if it demonstrates the… Evolution of the FlexFile Benefits of the FlexFile Features of the FlexFile Process of the FlexFile Improves Data Quality through Access to Native Cost Data Ensures Completeness through Allocation & Mapping Visibility Increases Efficiency through Seamless Data Integration Data FlexFile The Future of Cost & Data Analysis
The FlexFile… FlexFile Overview FlexFiles Overview The FlexFile… Since the 1960s, Cost and Contractor Data Reports (CCDRs) have provided the same data in the same format The FlexFile initiative: Modernizes CCDR submissions Streamlines the transmission process Increases analyst efficiency Results: Improved Data Quality Complete & thorough data for better analysis Seamless Data Integration Improves Data Quality through Access to Native Cost Data Detailed insight and analysis flexibility Collect data according to the contractor’s native structure Ensures Completeness through Allocation & Mapping Visibility Minimize arbitrary allocations and errors Eliminate human error and subjectivity Increases Efficiency through Seamless Data Integration Leverage latest technology Reduce ad hoc data collection efforts FF FF FlexFile Evolution Crawl Walk Run Legacy Round 0 Rounds 1&2 Round 3 Future 1960 ~ 2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016 - 2017 2017+
Same 1921 Forms have been used since the 1960s FlexFile Evolution: 1960 - 2014 Legacy Reports Legacy Reports 1921, 1921-1 formatted CCDRs today require an average of 533 hours per contract, assuming set-up and 4 reports Results Based on 2012 IDA Study: Estimated Resources for Preparing Contractor Cost Data Reports [29 Responses] Time consuming to industry Enforced standardization to contractor rate structure Allocations are not transparent No time-phasing of actual costs Insufficient data results in additional site visits Report generation prone to human error Same 1921 Forms have been used since the 1960s
Work Breakdown Structure Standard Functional Category FlexFiles Actuals To Date End Item Order or Lot The foundation is a resource associating dollars or hours with a charge number in the accounting system at a point in time Contracting process already requires Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) Forward Pricing Rate (FPR) Categories Reporting Month FlexFile requires WBS Recurring or Non-Recurring (may be mapped from FPR Rate Cats) FlexFile sometimes requires Unit or Sublot CLIN Work Breakdown Structure … $/HR Charge # Recurring or Non-Recurring Unit or Sublot* Resource Time FPR Categories Reporting Month Standard Functional Category Contracting Reqts. Additional FlexFile Reqts. Mapping * As Required by the CSDR Plan and only for touch labor
Approved DID Data Groups FlexFiles Approved DID Data Groups Data Group A Data Group B Data Group C Report Metadata Approved Plan Number Submission Event Period of Performance Reporting Organization Date Prepared Classification DD Form 2794 Information (Co-Plan) WBS Code/Level/Name Order Name End Items Additional Tags #1-#12 Contractor Definitions and Remarks CWBS Dictionary Remarks by WBS element Summary Remarks Major DID Changes since 2015 Synchronized definitions and references between the DIDs, data models, and Co-Plan Reorganization of the FlexFile Data Groups Higher level Standard Functional Categories New structure for handling multiple Orders (e.g., Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3) and multiple End Items (e.g., Variant A, Variant B) within the same FlexFile submission Removed Supplemental Information (e.g. Bill of Material, Floor Hour Report, Hour Per Vehicle Report) Terminology changes to avoid EVMS terms EACs now Forecasts At Completion (FAC) Data Group D Data Group E Data Group F Summary Elements Subtotal General and Administrative Undistributed Budget Management Reserve Facilities Capital Cost of Money Contract Fee Price Actuals To Date (ATD) Account Reporting Period CLIN Nonrecurring/Recurring Contractor Func. Categories Contractor Rate Pool Standard Func. Categories Unit/Sublot First/Last Number Dollars/Hours Allocation Methodology Allocation Method Type ID Allocation Method Name Data Group G Forecasts At Completion (FAC) FAC (Dollars/Hours)
Legacy 1921 costs are an aggregate of lower level cost categories FlexFile Evolution: Round 0 2014 - 2015 Access to Native Data Native Data Benefits Goal: Develop initial prototypes to obtain native [raw] data Result: Three (3) prototypes determined concept was possible Led to CAPE engaging with additional contractors Led to cost and acquisition communities kicking off the official pilots Needs Allocation Bottoms Up Analysis Insight into Cost Accounts and Unallocated data Costs reported the way the contractor collects it based on the contractor’s structure for accumulating and managing costs Actuals + Unallocated Detailed “on-the-ground” data from a single program Mapped Legacy 1921 FlexFile SCOPE: - End Item X - Order/Lot - CLIN COST DATA: - WBS - Cost Account - Rec/NR - Unit/Sublot (as req'd) FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES: - Forward Pricing Rate Cats - CCDR Standard Cats TIME-PHASING: - Actuals by Month Round 0 F-35 (LMCO) PAC-3 (LMCO) SBIRS (LMCO) 3 Pilots Legacy 1921 costs are an aggregate of lower level cost categories
Allocation and Mapping FlexFile Evolution: Round 1 & 2 2015 - 2016 Allocation and Mapping Native Data Benefits Goal: To obtain insight into cost accounts and allocation methodologies Expanded scenarios with contractors and system commands Result: Learned native data files can recreate Legacy 1921 reports Needs Allocation Top Down Analysis Ability to recreate Legacy 1921 reports Mapping to the CSDR approved WBS Allocation methodologies Mapping to CCDR standard functional categories Allows crosscheck to historical CCDRs Allows analysts to view standardized data across business units and commodities Mapped Variant A Variant B Round 1 GPS III CAP (LMCO) OCX (Raytheon) WGS (Boeing) 3 Pilots Material Material Round 2 F-35 LRIP 3 (LMCO) WGS v2 (Boeing) B-2 EHF (NGC) DDG 113 (HII) GMD (Boeing) 5 Pilots Labor Labor
Allocation and Mapping FlexFile Evolution: Round 3 2016 - 2017 Allocation and Mapping Native Data Goals: Goal: Prove data files conform to the DID Assess if contractors could enter data into the data model Result: Lessons learned informed the recent updates to the DID, Data Model, and Co-Plan Needs Allocation Industry Working with vendors and removing the human element Innate data Efficient report generation Reduces cost Government Cost data will be housed in a relational database Ability to apply own methodologies allows for dynamic views Flat file download for analysis Comparison across contracts, business units, programs Mapped FF Variant A Variant B Round 3 F-35 LRIP 3 (LMCO) GMD (Boeing) AEHF (LMCO) Stryker (GDLS) PIM (BAE) B-2 (NGC) WSF (TBD) F-22 (LMCO) C130J (LMCO) SBIRS (LMCO) SANR (TBD) 11 Pilots Material Material Labor Labor
FlexFile Submission Process Industry Overview Raw Source FlexFiles Process Submission Process Industry Overview Raw Source Raw Data - FlexFile Conversion (JSON) Industry Validation & Submission ERP FlexFile SQL DB Flex File Data Schema SUBMIT IT Solution 1 IT Solution 2a Industry Submission One Source ERP FlexFile Co-Plan Creation Industry FlexFile Preparation CADE Ingestion Database Development Data Consumer (Analytics/Query) Converts Raw Source Into FlexFile Data Schema Options: Contractor manually manipulates into data model Contractor uses own IT solution to produce data model Contractor uses a CADE developed tool Third Party Solution [Optimal]: Automatically export data model from ERP system Allows industry verification and validation before submission (CADE Developed Tool) Multiple Sources GFI ERP Source(s) w/ GFI FlexFile Business Process
FlexFile Validation Process Government Overview Government Review FlexFiles Process Validation Process Government Overview Government Review FlexFile Interface CADE Database CADE Analytics FlexFile SQL DB Industry Submission IT Solution 2b Acceptance Display Flex File Data Schema FlexFile Co-Plan Creation Industry FlexFile Preparation CADE Ingestion Database Development Data Consumer (Analytics/Query) DCARC Validation Allow other government analysts to review data before acceptance Make data viewable in CADE FlexFile Business Process
Concerns vs. Reality Concerns Reality Reality FlexFiles Concerns vs. Reality Concerns Government is requiring contractors to allocate their source data Government is requesting EACs at the lowest level Reality Contractors are only required to disclose allocation methodology if data are not discretely accounted for Asking for Forecasts at Completion (FAC); FACs need not come from EVMS and may be tailored to higher levels Reality Government is dictating how contractors set up their control accounts Contractor shall map to every functional category Government is forcing industry to develop an IT solution to ingest the data file into CADE Government requires a minimal level of tagging for actual cost accumulation only The DID requires contractor to map to the most applicable functional category Government is working with industry and vendors to develop an optimal IT solution. In parallel, CADE IT is developing its own validation tool
The Future of Cost & Data Analysis FlexFiles What do we need from you? Become and advocate for the FlexFile on new contracts Socialize the benefits of the FlexFile Become early adapters Allow us to come train Train government analysts on the benefits and uses of the FlexFile Train industry on how to report to the new requirements Identify early adapters that can benefit from a FlexFile SUMMARY: FlexFile is the future of Cost & Data Analysis through: Access to Native Cost Data Allocation & Mapping Visibility Seamless Data Integration Round 3 Pilots [22 Pilots Total] informed our path forward Process to convert raw source data to the FlexFile Flatfile has been vetted and validated CSDR EVM ICE SCP The Future of Cost & Data Analysis
Quantity Report (-Q)
Quantity Report Legacy Reporting 1921 1921-2 Quantity information has been provided in three separate forms (1921, 1921-1, and 1921-2) Quantity to date has historically been a calculated field Most quantity information is provided by a different department than cost data Financial vs. Management Some quantity information was provided as a summary remark in the 1921 No consistent way of receiving internal vs. delivered units 1921-1 The CCDR became official policy in 1973, but grew out of similar cost reports in use since at least 1958-59 (F-4A Lot 1). Though the predecessors to the CCDR gathered costs/hours by WBS element, it did not require units by WBS. Contractors instead reported the production sequence First Unit and Last Unit but for the total system applicable to the report. For example, Lot 2 for the F4-A had a First Unit Number of 8 and Last Unit Number of 23. In 1973, the CCDR added the requirement to report At Completion units for all hardware items in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). It wasn’t until the 2003 CCDR DID update that Units “To Date” were added by WBS. Since 1973, unit reporting information has remained largely the same. The two major differences today are: Addition of Units To Date in 2003; and Contractors no longer provide production sequencing. (In the F-4A Lot 2 example, the contractor reported that the First Unit was 8 and Last Unit was 23. Today, it is up to the analyst to impute that the First Unit for Lot 2 was 8 by observing the fact that Lot 1 had 7 units.) The existing method for reporting quantities through the CCDR presents several problems, for example: The CCDR is primarily a financial report coming tasked to business analysts, but it is management/systems engineering that provides the quantity information (particularly for assessing Units To Date) Quantity information was often provided in the Remarks bundled with other cost accounting information There was no consistent way for receiving internal vs. delivered units. These were written in to the same field (for example, “5 / 1” representing 5 delivered units and 1 internal unit) Quantity information has been provided on the same form as costs since the 1970s
Quantity Report Improved Requirement WBS Element Code Deliverable/End Item Delivered Units At Completion Internal Units At Completion GFE Units At Completion Units At Completion Current update improves on the existing quantity requirements Same information collected as before with the addition of GFE data and sequencing Separate form outside of a CCDR allows for a more streamlined submission process Will collect more accurate quantity information prior to final report Deliverable/End Item First Unit Number Last Unit Number Delivered/Internal Concurrent Units WBS Element Code Units Completed To Date Units In Process Assessed Units To Date Requirements Legacy 1921 1921-Q UNITS AT COMPLETION X Delivered Units Internal Units GFE ASSESSED UNITS TO DATE Completed to Date Quantity In Process CONCURRENT UNITS Complete Production Sequence The 1921-Q update primarily extends existing CCDR requirements for unit reporting. Major differences include: A separate DID from the FlexFile so that the 1921-Q can be tasked to the management/systems engineering department and the Flexfile tasked to the financial department Separate fields for delivered and internal Units At Completion. In the past, Contractors would write both delivered and internal units in non-standard form within the same field (for example, “5 / 1” representing 5 delivered units and 1 internal unit). The 1921-Q will have clearly separated fields to collect delivered and internal (internal units being those produced with contract funds but are not intended for delivery to the government, such as test units). Government Furnished Equipment is added. For example, if the contractor is provided 7 engine units for integration onto an airframe, then the contractor would enter “7” here. Because the costs/hours for GFE are not captured in the reporting contractors FlexFile, this GFE field in the 1921-Q will let analysts know that units were provided to the contractor and they should look for those costs separately. The production sequencing for End Items coming off the same production line was added back to the 1921-Q as an OPTIONAL requirement. Note that some legacy CCDRs would provide this information, but by-and-large it was discontinued. The production sequencing tells the analyst that, for example, Lot 7 had a First Unit of 108 and a Last Unit of 117, rather than merely the fact that 10 units were produced. The CCDR had included Units Completed to Date and In Process, but these were often interpreted as “equivalent” units based on Earned Value or some measure of percent complete. Instead, the new 1921-Q will as for physical units to date (both completed and in process) the method for which will be determined by the contractor and described as a remark. For example, a unit may be physically started with the first manufacturing labor work order, and completed when it finishes Quality Assurance. The 1921-Q only requires Assessed Units To Date by WBS element, and does not require a breakout between End Items. For example, if a 1921-Q Report covers three variants for Lot 1, then the contractor only has to report Units To Date for the entire Lot 1 and requires no segregation by each of the variants. This is a benefit because not all WBS element items have clear segregations by End Item, as they may be common. Units to date should be an actual count of physically completed units Quantity Report is closely related to the FlexFile
Improved Requirements: November 2017 DID Quantity Report Improved Requirements: November 2017 DID Major DID Changes Synchronized definitions and references between the DIDs, data models, and Co-Plan Reorganization of the Data Groups Allow sequencing quantities to be optional through Co-Plan process for each End-Item as not all End Items may require sequencing (e.g., Kits) Sequencing was allowed for lower level WBS elements in legacy 1921-2, but FlexFile does not sequence WBS elements (only End Items) To Date and In Process to be defined by contractor in the Remarks section Data Group A Data Group B Data Group C Report Metadata Approved Plan Number Submission Event Period of Performance Reporting Organization Date Prepared Classification DD FORM 2794 Data Elements (Co-Plan) WBS Code/Level/Name Order/Lot End Items Units At Completion Delivered Units At Completion Internal Units At Completion Concurrent Units At Completion Government Furnished Equipment At Completion Remarks Data Group D Data Group E Assessed Units To Date Units Completed To Date Units In Process Remarks Sequencing (as required by Co-Plan) First Unit Number Last Unit Number Delivered/Internal Co-plan talking points Sequencing talking points Sequencing is Optional through the Co-Plan process Provides information about concurrency (e.g., if there are commercial or FMS units being produced concurrent to those in the report) Assists in performing learning curves and determining rate effects Avoids the problem of where there were production units not reported on Avoids aggregation errors across reports Areas of Evolution
FlexFile FlexFile Submission Process Industry Overview Quantity Report Raw Source Raw Data Conversion (JSON) Industry Validation & Submission FlexFile SQL DB Flex File Data Schema SUBMIT Financial Systems IT Solution 1 IT Solution 2a Industry Submission FlexFile Co-Plan Creation Industry FlexFile Preparation CADE Ingestion Database Development Data Consumer (Analytics/Query) Quantity Report Raw Source Raw Data Conversion (JSON) Industry Validation & Submission Quantity SQL DB Quantity Report Data Schema SUBMIT Management Systems Industry Submission Notes on how we are handling concept of to date vs. in process FlexFile Business Process
FlexFile Process Government Overview FlexFile Interface Quantity Report Process Government Overview FlexFile Interface Government Review CADE Database FlexFile SQL DB Industry Submission DCARC FlexFile Flat File Acceptance Flex File Data Model Display FlexFile Co-Plan Creation Industry FlexFile Preparation CADE Ingestion Database Development Data Consumer (Analytics/Query) Government Review Quantity SQL DB Industry Submission DCARC Quantity Flat File Acceptance Quantity Data Model FlexFile Business Process
Points of Contact Government Lead: Daron Fullwood FlexFiles Points of Contact Government Lead: Daron Fullwood Director, Defense Cost and Resource Center (DCARC) 571-372-4267 Office 301-580-7222 Cell Daron.D.Fullwood.civ@mail.mil FlexFile Lead: Marc Stephenson (703) 697-0362 Office Marc.J.Stephenson.ctr@mail.mil