2016 Minnesota Assessment Conference August 2016
Agenda Technology updates Round Table Discussion OS updates Image placeholder Agenda Technology updates OS updates Browser updates Pearson web addresses updates Software Updates Round Table Discussion 2
Secure Tests
No Kiosk Mode Required (Item Samplers) New! Tests That Do Not Require Kiosk Mode Browser Operating systems Firefox 45 and higher Windows: 7, 8.1 OS X: 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11 IE 11 Windows: 7, 8.1, 10 Google Chrome 50 or higher Chrome OS 50 or higher Android Microsoft Edge Windows 10 Safari 9.x iOS 9.3
Two more web addresses URL:Port 2 New Firewall/Proxy Servers/Content Filtering web addresses URL:Port 2 Your test delivery URL, for example: *.testnav.com:80 *.testnav.com:443 *.pearsontestcontent.com *.thawte.com *.usertrust.com (New) *.comodoca.com (New) google-analytics.com (optional) New!
Updating TestNav App TestNav App Update Process Updating TestNav App The update to version 1.5.2 is required, and users will see an error message if a testing device does not have the updated version installed. TestNav App Update Process Android app Auto update - No action required.* Chrome app iOS app Download updated version from App Store. TestNav Desktop Download updated version from download.testnav.com.
Software Releases and enhancements: New! Software Releases and enhancements: Release dates: Proctor Caching (2016) release date: August, 8 TestNav App (1.5.2) release date: August, 8 Enhancements: Improved Proctor Caching Performance (No Java!) Improved TestNav Performance (Speed & Resilience) Ability to log what processes or key combination took focus from TestNav Automatic Assessment Configuration (AAC): TestNav will be able to lock iPads without the need to supervise the device or use guided access mode. Student name is added as part of the log file names so it's easier for technology staff at schools to locate the one needed.
Automatic Assessment Configuration (AAC) AAC ensures that the student cannot access other apps, pages, or features after Single App Mode starts. New! These features include: Auto correction Definitions Keyboard shortcuts Predictive keyboard Spell check Share Now let’s move into the setup details. As we talked about before, iPads have several setup options. [CLICK] Administrators can use the Apple Configurator to manage multiple devices at once. Using this method you will enable Supervised mode on the iPad and then lock the iPad to the TestNav 8 application for testing. [CLICK] Profile Manager is Apple's MDM solution for Mac OS X. You can select the TestNav app from the Lock to App menu and push the profile to supervised devices. [CLICK] Individual iPad devices can be configured using Guided Access. This set of steps will be done on each iPad to secure the device and lock it to the TestNav 8 app. [CLICK] Autonomous Single App Mode allows the Single App mode to be turned on dynamically when the TestNav 8 application is launched. This method requires both a Mobile Device Manager (MDM) and an iPad that is in Supervised mode. TestNav 8
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