Presented by: Dhruv Dhingra (0451663908) UNCTAD Presented by: Dhruv Dhingra (0451663908)
INDEX Meaning Features Overview of main activities Current Focus
MEANING The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was established in 1964 as a permanent intergovernmental body. It is the principal organ of the United Nations General Assembly dealing with trade, investment, and development issues. The creation of the conference was based on concerns of developing countries over the international market, multi-national corporations, and great disparity between developed nations and developing nations. Currently, UNCTAD has 193 member States and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It also has around 400 staff members.
FEATURES The existence of UNCTAD came into been because institution like GATT and IMF were not properly organised. To maximize the trade, investment and development opportunities of developing countries. To formulate policies relating to all aspects of development including trade, aid, transport, finance and technology. The Conference ordinarily meets once in four years. Implementaion of the Generalised System of Preferences(GSP).
OVERVIEW OF MAIN ACTIVITIES Trade and commodities Commodity diversification & development Competition & consumer policies Trade Negotiations & Commercial Diplomacy Trade Analysis & Information System, (TRAINS) Trade & Environment
Investment and enterprise development International investment & technology arrangements Investment Policy Reviews Investment guides and capacity building for the LDCs Empretec
Macroeconomic policies, debt and development financing Policy analysis & research Technical & advisory support DMFAS programme
Technology and Logistics ASYCUDA programme ACIS programme E_Tourism Initiative Technology Train For Trade programme
Other Initiatives: Africa Least developed countries Landlocked developing countries Small island developing States
CURRENT FOCUS To strengthen the organization’s work on commodities, including agriculture, in the face of the crisis provoked by surging prices for basic food items. UNCTAD Secretary-General Supachai Panitchpakdi hailed the declaration for embodying the shared commitment of the developing and developed world “to work toward making globalization a powerful means to achieve poverty eradication.” Dr. Supachai also referred to a new mode of “development solidarity” around the objective of narrowing gaps between countries and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Against the backdrop of surging food prices and global economic uncertainties, UNCTAD XII ended with adoption of comprehensive conclusions aimed at reinforcing international efforts to extend gains from globalization to the millions being left behind.