Welcome to 8th Grade U.S. History Mr. Thompson Room 220 sthompson@fairlawnschools.org
Units of Study US Geography Revolution – New Nation Founding Documents Expansion and Reform Civil War and Reconstruction Government at Work Role of the Citizen
Grading Policy Tests/Project 60% Homework 15% Classwork 25% Total 100% A 10 point penalty will be given for each day a project is late
Homework Policy Homework is usually given 3 or 4 nights per week Students are allowed to miss up to 2 assignments per Marking Period without a penalty Once more than 2 assignments have been missed, all zeroes count Homework is 15% of the total grade
Project Policy Projects are usually assigned once or twice per Marking Period Project grades count as major test grades Project grades are reduced 10 points for every day that they are late. This reduction does not end until the project is turned in to me.
Extra Credit Question of the Week Each week a new question will be posted on the board in the front of the classroom Students have until Friday to correctly answer the question Each question is worth one point to be added to the lowest test/project grade of the marking period
Extra Help Available after school Tuesday - Friday Test Reviews are held the day before each test After school from 3:00 - 3:30 Online in the evening
Resources Used Textbook = Discovering Our Past (print copies in the classroom) Memorial MS and Classroom Libraries Internet http://www.google.com (Google Apps for Education) http://classroom.google.com (Google Classroom) http://connected.mcgraw-hill.com (Textbook) http://www.edpuzzle.com (EdPuzzle – HW videos)
Resources (cont.) Genesis Grade Book E-Mail: sthompson@fairlawnschools.org Class Website: http://fairlawn.schoolwires.net//Domain/973
Skills to be Developed Historical Perspective Themes of History Research/Works Cited Internet Skills Writing for a Purpose Public Speaking/Presentation Collaborative/Cooperative Work Individual Responsibility
What is Social Studies? History - Political - Military - Social Psychology Sociology Economics Geography
7 Themes of History Physical Environment Government Economics Social Class Religion Culture Science and Technology