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Presentation transcript:


Inventive Thinking

young people and technical education

Problems, annoyances, complaints etc. Trigger: Young people and technical education. Make a Creative Hit-List and decide which trigger you are going to work on. Problems, annoyances, complaints etc. Dreams, fascinations, ambitions: “Wouldnt’it be wonderful if …” Workshops, bookstore, presenters, catering, participants, labyrinth etc. Develop a new format for the CPSI conference. Problem, annoyance, complaint Dream, fascination, ambition Area, theme Assignment, task, tender, commission, instruction, mandate Excercise: Dreams: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if ….. - Think up at least three triggers starting with this phrase.

What do we know about the Trigger? * Factual information; don’t forget the obvious!; * Perceived reality; * Who are the stakeholders? What are their interests? What is the most essential information about the context of the Trigger?

Focus questions: HMW … HMI …. Etc. Choose your core question Define your future dream (if your trigger was a dream you may have defined it already) Diverge on questions Area questions: I am looking for ideas in the area of …. (catering, housing, handouts, etc.) Focus questions: HMW … HMI …. Etc. Choose your core question Excercise: Select one trigger and start writing down questions about it. Write down every question about your trigger that you think of and try to be creative and divers. When you’r done writing down your questions, start a proces of selcting your most important question(s)

Brainstorm ideas, using various tools and techniques.

technique 1: purge Write down in a “headline”format (particularly for data and ideas) Be specific and include action verbs Make it easy to review by others One thought per post-it

technique 2: random entry Focus on an interesting object, picture or an article in a newspaper. Write down your thoughts, reactions, impressions and observations Make connections to the central topic and write these down as new ideas Repeat this several times and expand your list of ideas.

technique 3: elegant stealing Wonder about other situations where a similar topic is solved. Write down their approaches, ideas, solutions and learnings. Make forced connections to your own topic and write these down as new ideas. Repeat this elegant stealing several times and expand your list of ideas.

technique 4: superhero List several people with extraordinary capacities and skills (real-fantasy-comic) List a few characteristics about these people Fantasize how tehse people would solve the problem Use these thoughts as a stimulus for new ideas you can do yourself. Try many forced connections to the problem and boost your list of ideas.

technique 5: SCAMPER SUBSTITUTE: parts, the whole, material … COMBINE: functions, material, just different … ADAPT: other colour, place, use, form, timing … MAXIMIZE: bigger, stronger, longer, more time, macro level, use more often … MINIMIZE: smaller, lighter, shorter, micro level, less important … PUT TO OTHER USES: other context … ELIMINATE: parts, functions, material … REVERSE: sequence, upside down, inside out …

Choose the most promising idea.

Use prototyping and feedback (POWER) to develop your idea into a solution

prototyping & feedback prototype feedback

Present your solution in an original and convincing way using the steps of the ICE model (max. 90 seconds)

Koning Willem I College For more information Koning Willem I College h.vanderschans@kw1c.nl t.prinssen@kw1c.nl