Grade 10 science Exam Prep
Exam prep: General Exams are designed to assess your understanding and application of BIG IDEAS You cannot cram; it won’t work! Start early (i.e. today) and review portions of material everyday Break study notes into four sections, and 3 subsections (for each unit/chapter) 30% of grade in course Reflective of course work and previous assessments, but not as specific and detailed
Exam prep: material Use the website as a full guide to your studying. Everything is housed on there! Watch all videos, open all PowerPoints, review all assignments, and condense all notes into one study package Use the online textbook for any readings that you are missing (sections listed in later slides of this presentation. Let me know if you would like any photocopies of readings (if you have misplaced yours). You can borrow my book to make these copies.
Exam prep: teacher support Review notes: You may show me your condensed and organized study notes, and I can assess whether or not knowledge/application of those notes will be enough for the exam. I will tell you where to elaborate, where to focus, etc. These notes must show evidence of exam prep. I.e. do not throw a bunch of crumpled, chicken scratched papers together and expect me to read them. Please type them and use headings. I will not read these notes less than 4 days before the exam. They should be prepared well ahead of time. Extra help: You may schedule extra help sessions during study hall (2:50-4:00pm) any day expect for Thursdays. These sessions must be scheduled at least one or two days in advance.
Overall guidance for studying biology Use inquiry questions as a guide to studying. These themes and question styles will be incorporated into your exam. Use previous tests, quizzes, and assignments as clues for exam questions Use the website!
Biology: key concepts from text Chapter 2: Cells, Cell Division, and Cell Specialization 2.3: Importance of Cell Division for Reproduction, growth & repair (readings) 2.5: The Cell Cycle, Mitosis, and Meiosis (videos) 2.7: Cell division and Cancer, Screening, Diagnosis, Treatments (videos) 2.9: Specialized Cells: What are they? Provide two examples (presentations)
Biology: key concepts from text Chapter 3: Animal Systems 3.1: Hierarchy of structure in animals (diagram of deer) 3.2: Stem cells and cellular differentiation (readings) 3.3-3.10: Primary functions and organs in each organ system (games) 3.11: Interactions of systems (hockey/city analogies)
Biology: key concepts from text Chapter 4: Plant Systems 4.1: Systems in plants, hierarchy of organization, root & shoot systems and parts 4.2: Plant tissue systems 4.4: Tissues working together (absorbing light, obtaining carbon dioxide, obtaining water, differences between plant and animal systems and cells. 4.6: Plant growth: How does it differ from animal growth? Documentary: GMO OMG
Overall guidance for studying chemistry
Chemistry: key concepts
Overall guidance for studying climate change Use full PowerPoint slide package and embedded videos on website to guide you Documentaries: Cowspiracy & Chasing Ice Use previous tests and in-class assignments as clues for exam questions Use the website!
Climate Change: key concepts from text Chapter 8: Earth’s Climate System and Natural Changes 8.2: Classifying climates 8.3: The sun powers earth’s climate system 8.4: Components of the earth’s climate system (atmosphere, etc.) 8.6: The greenhouse effect 8.8: Energy transfer within the climate system 8.9: Long-term and short-term changes in climate: El Nino, etc. 8.10: Feedback loops and climate, albedo effect 8.11: Clues to past climates (also watch Chasing Ice)
Climate Change: key concepts from text Chapter 9: Earth’s Climate: Out of Balance 9.1: Evidence of a changing climate (glaciers, sea level, severe weather, etc.) 9.4: Greenhouse gasses: Changing the climate (animal agriculture, plants, anthropogenic greenhouse effect, etc). 9.5: Canadian emissions of greenhouse gasses
Climate Change: key concepts from text Chapter 10: Assessing and Responding to Climate Change 10.2: Global impacts of climate change 10.3: Impacts of climate change in Ontario 10.4: Taking action to limit climate change 10.5: What can individuals do?
Overall guidance for studying physics Use previous test and assignments as clues for exam questions Practice drawing diagrams for curved and plane mirrors Use the website and embedded videos in previous assignments (open everything!)
Physics: Key concepts from text Chapter 11: The production and Reflection of Light 11.1: What is light (spectrum, electromagnetic waves, etc.) 11.2: How is light produced (luminous sources) 11.4: The ray model of light (candles, terminology of reflection) 11.6: Laws of reflection 11.7: Images in plane mirrors (SALT) 11.9: Images in curved mirrors
Physics: Key concepts from text Chapter 12: The Refraction of Light 12.1: What is refraction 12.4: The index of refraction 12.5: Total internal reflection 12.7: Phenomena related to refraction (rainbows)
Physics: Key concepts from text Chapter 13: Lenses and Optical Devices Security concerns relating to the development and overuse of cameras