Team 5 Proposal for the Location of a Youth Community Center in Gainesville FL
Wildlife Ecology or Landscape Architect Majors Miguel Juncal Damian Sanchez Gabrielle Smith Nadia Steele Deanna Bradfield
Our vision…. Our common interest is the outdoors, therefore we envisioned a youth center with a large outdoor component. We hope to have room for at least one sport’s playing field, as well as other outdoor activities.
Primary Selections: what we used initially to narrow down the data A piece of land that is at least 3 acres large. Located in an area with many young children, target age: 5-17 Walking distance from an RTS bus stop
Attribute Selections: Census Data A graduated color selection made on the 2002 census data, highlight census blocks that contained more than 8 children between the ages of 5-17.
Attribute Selections: Parcel Acreage Highlighting parcels larger than 3 acres and smaller than 10
Putting it all together Looking at both selections together along with the bus routes and stops gave us a good idea which parcels we were potentially useful.
And then we considered, on a case by case basis, these factors: Cost Surrounding land use and zoning FEMA flood prone land and lands set aside for conservation Proximity to schools and other activity centers
Our Recommendation: Parcel #08421 Nearly 4 acres Assessed value = $44,000 Directly on a bus route, with stops on the same city block Already has water and sewer hook-ups Located between schools and previously existing activity centers
Arial view of parcel #08421
Building Possibilities Add on to existing building, using it as office or storage space. Behind the building, in the fenced in yard, mark out a playing field and put up some playground equipment. Leave the trees!