What Is Dyslexia? When otherwise smart and capable persons have great difficulty learning to read and write, this problem is called dyslexia.
Why do some persons have dyslexia? Tests have shown that the brains of persons with dyslexia function differently from the brains of persons without dyslexia.
Most people think that dyslexia is mixing up or inverting letters Most people think that dyslexia is mixing up or inverting letters. This is only one small marker of dyslexia. Big markers teachers should look for showing that a kid might have dyslexia: Can’t rhyme. Has problems with hearing and saying sounds. Has great difficulty learning ABC’s. Doesn’t get conventions. Doesn’t see patterns in words. Is smart; but inexplicably struggles with reading, writing and spelling.
Are there world famous dyslexics? Wow! You bet! There are world famous scientists and inventors: Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Thomas Alvah Edison, Louis Pasteur…
World famous artists… Vincent Van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci, August Rodin, Pablo Picasso
World famous actors, singers and filmmakers… Cher, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, Selma Hayek, Walt Disney, Robert Rodriguez, Keira Knightly
World famous businessmen and businesswomen… Bill Gates, Sir Richard Branson, Henry Ford, Ted Turner, Whoopi Goldberg…
What are children with dyslexia like? • Think in visual images; are imaginative and intuitive • artistic • Can be shy, though they often struggle with staying still. • Can internalize their stress and be fearful • Daydream • Can be very sensitive • May change interests often • Their self esteem often depends on how well they do in school • Can suffer from their dyslexia, if they have not learned overcome it.
What are adults with dyslexia like? • Have a great capacity to combine ond synthesize different areas of learning Combine art and science into one • Think holistically • Are passionately interested in many, many things • Can excell in many professions • Will sometimes do several things extremely well • Can’t stand routine • Are empathetic, much more tender inside than what they show outside • Are independent, not followers • Can be non conformists and rebels • Love challenges • If they’ve learned to overcome their dyslexia, can be particularly out- standing in their fields
Are there advantages or gifts to being dyslexic Are there advantages or gifts to being dyslexic? Dyslexics are 5 times more likely to become entrepreneurs than non dyslexics! Dyslexics make great artists, great inventors, great musicians, great scientists. Dyslexics make great actors, singers, and athletes. Why is this so? 1. Dyslexics tend to not follow the crowd. 2. Dyslexics are often very creative and can have a wild imagination. 3. Dyslexics are usually driven, persistent, determined and ambitious. 4. Dyslexics are naturally more curious than most. 5. Dyslexics tend to look at situations and things differently than others. 6. Dyslexics adapt to change easier than others.