Impact of NGO Law 1. Mutual Understanding


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Presentation transcript:

Impact of NGO Law 1. Mutual Understanding Government Authority Power People Community Resources Mobilization CSOs-DPs Technical and Financial Power 1. Mutual Understanding 2. Increased transparency and good governance 3. Increased trust 4. Increase equity Sustainable Development

Country Context GO Public Sector CSOs Private Sectors Community Sector Restriction of political control Very weak public Sector Stagnation of transformation from CSO to Social Enterprises-Private Sectors Country System for Sustainable Development Obstacles in Private sectors or fragility in economic development Bottleneck in community development

Government-Civil Society Partnership Partnership must be institutionalized, not ad-hoc Partnership requires clear mechanisms and procedures: At national level At sub-national level Between levels Civil Society Partnership Mechanism National National Legislation Policy Making Planning Budgeting Service Delivery M&E Learning Accountability Linkages Linkages Partnership Mechanism Sub-National Sub-National Services to Target Groups Institutionalize Mechanisms of Partnership and Linkage to Meet the Needs of the Target Groups

National Priority Setting Global Architecture Pool Fund GO CSOs DPs Mechanism with clear decision making process and transparent measures Policy Guideline Plan Budget M&E System GO-Authority Power + CSO-Technical Power + DP-Financial Power to lead and use pool fund to for poor and vulnerable population and sustainable development National Priority Setting

Principles of Aid Effectiveness Ownership Government sets strategy, improves institutions and tackles corruption Alignment Donors align behind Government objectives and use local systems Harmonization Donors coordinate, simplify procedures and share information to avoid duplication Results All partners shift focus to development results and results get measured. Mutual Accountability All partners are mutually accountable for development results.

Power and Authority Good governance is the ability to use Authority to stimulate the Power resident in Civil Society and guide and coordinate the resulting actions to create a coherent force towards the achievement of common results. Authority is correctly vested in Government Governance institutions have authority but no power Power is resident in Civil Society Civil Society has power but no authority Neither can function without the other GO has Authority but no Power: must use its authority to empower civil society and guide and coordinate the resulting actions

Positive impact perspectives Positive Impacts Increased effectiveness of law and policy implementation and enforcement More contribution to NSDP & Specialized Ministerial Plan-National Priority consideration Increased coordination and collaboration between GOs & CSOs-Mutual Understanding More allocation of resources to public sectors More efficient use of resources in social, llegall, human rights health intervention

Negative impact perspectives Negative Impacts NGO and Associations Reduced allocation of resources to NGOs-A Increased unemployment among mainly young population Decreased effectiveness of intervention Poor and Vulnerable Increased poverty among poor and vulnerable population Loss of skills and expertise in their livelihood Increased triple risks to poor and vulnerable population

Evident information-Social Services-MoSVY Government is holding only 21 Orphanages CSOs are taking care of 248 Residential Care Government Strategy National Standard Minimum Standard of Alternative Care Impact Mitigation for OVC Government are unable to provide services to OVC in community NGO is covering 78% of communes (1621) Community Based Care

Evident-based Information-Health Services-MoSVY Total Population: # of ODs covered by HEF : 54 of 77 Total # of Pre-ID and Post ID Poor: 2,579,321 Total % of Population covered by HEF : 19% BMC : 3 /4 BTB: 4/5 Kg Cham: 7/10 Kg Chnang: 3/3 Kg Speu: 1/3 Kg Thom: 2/3 KPT: 3/4 Kandal: 2/8 Kep: 0/1 KHK: 2/2 Kratie: 2/2 HEF NSFCS CBHI MKR: 1/1 OMC: 1/1 PL: 1/1 PP: 4/4 PVH: 1/1 PV: 3/7 PST: 2/2 RKR: 1/1 SRP: 4/4 SHV: 1/1 TS: 1/1 SVR: 2/3 TKO: 3/5 Sources: INDOCHINA RESEARCH 2011

Evident-based Information-CMDG Best Practices System of Rice Intensification-SRI Child Friendly School-CFS Set Koma-CCWC Trade Related Assistant for Development and Equity-TRADE Community Mobilization for Promoting Social Services-CMPSS Education Management Information System-EMIS Partnership for Gender Equity-PGE Clearing For Results Continuum of Care and Home Based Care-CoC/HBC All those all best practices and nationwide scale up from innovative projects of NGO and DPs

Evident-based Information-Transformation Commercial, Specialized and Microfinance institutions Majority of Private Universities and Institutions Forestry Community Fishery Community Indigenous Minority Community Farmers Associations All most all those approach and mechanisms initiated and executed by CSO and DPs

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