Getting into the Zone
What is “The Zone?” The Holy Grail A symbol of man’s quest for the UTLIMATE GOAL Being “in the zone” is the “Holy Grail” of Sports Psychology
What is “The Zone?” Athletes feel: invincible the game slows down the crowd noise goes silent an incredible focus on their mission For the Love of the Game (23:00 – 25:00) “Clear the mechanism” –Billy Chapel/Detroit Tigers
What is THE ZONE? Sport Psychologists Ideal Performance State (IPS) OR Peak Performance State (PPS) Being in that mental state where your very best performance is possible
What is “the Zone?” Positive Psychology Flow Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi Like the feeling of being moved down a river by the current, a positive groove Your body, your mind, your opponents, and everything else flow together and are connected
Flow: 9 components CONFIDENCE that your skills can meet the challenge in front of you. TUNNEL VISION that shuts out everything else. CLEAR GOALS come into focus. UNAMBIGUOUS FEEDBACK that allows you to adjust your tactics. For example, fans and coaches will let you know how you're doing. 1. Challenge-skills balance is achieved when you have confidence that your skills can meet the challenge in front of you. 2. Action-awareness merging is the state of being completely absorbed in an activity, with tunnel vision that shuts out everything else. 3. Clear goals come into focus when you know exactly what is required of you and what you want to accomplish. 4. Unambiguous feedback is constant, real-time feedback that allows you to adjust your tactics. For example, fans and coaches will let you know how you're doing. 5. Concentration on the task at hand, with laser-beam focus, is essential. 6. Sense of control is heightened when you feel that your actions can affect the outcome of the game. 7. Loss of self-consciousness occurs when you are not constantly self-aware of your success. 8. Transformation of time takes place when you lose track of time due to your total focus on the moment. 9. Autotelic experience is achieved when you feel internally driven to succeed even without outside rewards. You do something because you love to do it.
Flow: 9 components CONCENTRATION on the task at hand. SENSE OF CONTROL when you feel that your actions can affect the outcome of the game. LOSS OF SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS LOSE TRACK OF TIME because of total focus on the moment. INTERNALLY DRIVEN TO SUCCEED without outside rewards. You do something because you love to do it.
What is “the Zone?” Zen Zone (Zen Buddhism) A state in which your mind becomes connected through meditation with everything around you You become one with the essence of the universe Captures the feeling of “the zone.”
In a nutshell … Being “In the Zone” is when you seem to play perfectly and without effort, everything just clicks and you perform at your peak potential
Being in the zone Donyell Marshall (former Jazzman), 12 3 pointers in 1 game (tied Kobe Bryant, Raptors/76’s 2005)
What the zone is like Your body feels free and unhampered You are surprised at your speed, strength and agility You feel no fear You are not thinking about the performance, you body is just doing it without thought; you’re on autopilot Your attention is narrowly focused in the here and now
More of what the zone is like… Your movements feel effortless, without forcing it Time may seem to slow down or speed up It feels like the whole universe is here and now You feel connected with the essence of your sport (Zen) Everything just feels RIGHT
How Can I enter the zone? ***If you try to force it, it won’t happen!! Yikes. BUT, you can do some things that will create the state of mind which is most conducive to the zone … IT WILL COME TO YOU…
What most athletes do/are doing when they enter a state of flow: High self-confidence You believe your skill is good enough for the competition Your focus is in the here and now Distractions are controlled You are relaxed You are thinking positively You are there for the experience You have used effective visualization You have used effective goal-setting techniques
What should I avoid? Focusing on winning, losing, or the score Trying to show off Trying to scare or intimidate your opponent Just “playing defense” or just reacting to your opponent without taking initiative Trying so hard to force yourself into the zone that you distract yourself