Athletes briefing
Briefing agenda Welcome and Introductions Competition Jury Schedules and Timetables Check-in and Procedures The course Post-race Procedures Weather forecast
Welcome and Introductions Terry Sheldrake (NZL) - ITU Executive Board representative Peter Hedge (NZL) – ITU Executive Board Kris Gemmell (NZL) - ITU Team Leader Lyndell Murray (AUS) - ITU Technical Delegate Gail Hussey (NZL) - ITU Head Referee Kelly Bennett-Allan (AUS) – ITU Head Referee Shanelle Barrett - LOC Race Director
Competition Jury Lyndell Murray (AUS) - Chair Terry Sheldrake (NZL) - ITU Executive Board Member Graham Perks (NZL) - Triathlon New Zealand President
Schedule and Timelines Friday 18:30 – 19:00 Race pack pick-up (after the athletes’ briefing) Pack includes: Helmet and bike stickers, body decals 18:30 Pasta Party Saturday 09:00 Bike course familiarisation 10:00 Swim course familiarisation No further practice on the section of the bike course through the Port. There are signs at each entrance.
Schedule and Timelines Sunday: Elite Women 10:30 – 11:30 Athletes’ Lounge open for Elite Women to check-in 11:00 – 11:45 Transition Area open for Elite Women 11:15 – 11:45 Swim warm-up for Elite Women 11:50 Athlete introductions (Finish gantry) 12:00 Elite Women Start
Schedule and Timelines Sunday: Elite Men 12:30 – 13:30 Athletes’ Lounge open for Elite Men check-in 13:00 – 13:45 Transition Area open for Elite Men 13:15 – 13:45 Swim warm-up for Elite Men 13:50 Athlete introductions (Finish gantry) 14:00 Elite Men Start
Schedule and Timelines Medal Ceremony 15:20 Women’s and Men’s Medal Ceremonies at Finish Line (following the men’s finish) Post race event 19:00 Post race social function Quality Hotel Plymouth International
Venue Access
Check-in procedures Athletes Lounge (Bike Check) Refer to section 5.2 in the Race Competition Rules Handlebars with compliant clip-ons Wheels and spare wheels Disc brakes are now legal. Spare wheels for disc brakes may be placed at team wheel station. Once your spare wheels are checked, take them to the wheel station. Bike frame check
Check-in procedures Athletes Lounge (Bike Check) Saddle position ( -5 cm ≤ Men & -2 cm ≤ Women) Approved exceptions on ITU website Approval for the addition/modification of any equipment to the bike, MUST be obtained from the TD at the end of the athletes’ briefing Approval to add cameras to bike MUST be obtained from the HR at the end of this briefing. Mechanic service available in the athlete area at the venue.
Check-in procedures Athletes Lounge Uniform and race gear check name, country, sponsor logos, ITU logo, zippers photos taken of each uniform. Wearing other uniform during the race = DSQ Body marking check (both arms, both legs) Timing chip distribution (1 for the ankle) Swim cap distribution If wearing a second swim cap it must be unbranded and presented for inspection at check-in Leave your bag in the Athletes’ Lounge. Event officials will transfer to Recovery Area during your race.
Check-in procedures Transition Area Helmet check Don’t leave your helmet fastened in the transition Athletes who do not comply with this rule will receive a time penalty of 10 seconds in TA1. Running Shoes outside the box, helmet on the bike Rack by your rear wheel To add any equipment to the bike, you must obtain approval from the Head Referee up until 10 minutes after the end of the Athletes‘ Briefing.
Pre-start Procedure Athlete Introduction: 10 minutes before start - line-up under the finish gantry Jog to the platform Select your position and stay behind the line! Athlete/s with a penalty from the briefing will be lined up last and directed to blocked position/s at the side of the pontoon Athletes are required to wear the official swim cap from the moment of athletes’ line up
Start Procedure Athletes in position: The start can be given any time after the announcement of “ON YOUR MARK” Air horn blast The race starts Athletes not moving forward at the start will receive a time penalty of 10 seconds in TA1. Penalised athlete/s can proceed after the call of the designated delay start official.
False Start Procedures False start with many athletes: Several horn blasts Kayaks in front of you Everyone goes back to her/his original start spot Valid start with early starters: If a few athletes start before the horn and everyone else starts with the horn, false starter(s) will receive a time penalty of 10 seconds in TA1. During the time penalty athlete can not touch any equipment.
Swim Conduct Definition from the ITU CR §4.1: e.) Athletes may sportingly maintain their own space in the water: (i) Where athletes make accidental contact in the swim and then immediately afterwards move apart no penalty will be incurred; (ii) Where athletes make contact in the swim, and an athlete continues to impede the progress of the other athlete without moving apart, this action will result in a time penalty; (iii) Where athletes deliberately target another athlete to impede their progress, gain unfair advantage and potentially cause harm will result in disqualification and may be reported to ITU Arbitration Tribunal for potential suspension or expulsion.
Swim Conduct Definition from the ITU CR §4.1: There will be additional boats and Technical Officials deployed on the swim course to monitor athletes’ behaviour in this respect Infringements will be recorded and appropriate action will be taken dependent on the rules definition from the previous slide Please respect your fellow competitors and keep the race fair.
The Course Swim 1 lap of 750m Bike 4 laps of 5km Run 3 laps of 1.66km
Swim course Water temperature: 19.8 °C Air temperature: 22 °C Wetsuit allowed 1 lap (total distance of 750m) Distance to the first turn buoy 300m Take cap, goggles to transition into your box
Swim course Map
Swim Exit to Transition
Transition Area Individual Bike Racks Numbered with athlete name and country flag Wetsuits, goggles and swim caps into your box Mount line at the end of Transition GREEN LINE Dismount line is at the entrance to Transition RED LINE Transition will be videoed and photographic evidence taken
Transition Flow: Swim to bike Transition Area Bike Course Start
Bike course 4 laps of 5km (total distance of 20km) Hilly and technical One team wheel station For locations see the map Lap Counter: at the exit to transition / beginning of lap Littering Zone on Ocean Parade – before and after aid station. Same little zone for both bike and run. Lapped athletes are out of the race
Bike Course Map Lap counter At exit of Transition (start of each lap) Wheel Station 150m from Transition / beginning of each lap
Caution Caution signal: three sharp whistles and red flags
Transition Flow: Bike to run Transition Area Bike Course End Run Course Start
Run course 3 laps (total distance of 5km) Aid stations: 1 per lap For locations see the map Sealed water Discard plastic bottles in litter zone (20m before and 80m after the Aid Station) Photo-finish camera at finish Congestion in finish area: Move through mixed zone to recovery area
Run Course Map Littering Zone Either side of the Run Aid station Lap counter At exit of Transition (start of each lap) Penalty Box 380m from end of lap / finish line Aid Station 160m from Transition / start of each lap
Run Penalty Box Location: 380m before the Transition Area Information: White board to show race numbers (Athletes need to read the board. Coaches are advised to check and inform athletes) Procedure: 10 second time penalty served on any lap of the run
Run Penalty Box Rule interpretation Mount after the mount line: One foot of the athlete has to be in contact with the ground after the mount line. If this contact doesn’t occur the action is considered as mount the bike before the mount line. Dismount before the dismount line: One foot of the athlete has to be in contact with the ground before the dismount line. If this contact doesn’t occur the action is considered as dismount the bike before the dismount line. Discharge or store your equipment inside your designated area: Leaving equipment (swim cap, goggles, helmet, etc.) in the designated box.
Run Penalty Box Refer to 3.3 in the Competition Rules Start infringements will be served in TA1 All other infringements will be served in Run Penalty Box New rule: If you don’t stop, DSQ. You may protest to have your DSQ overturned. If you stop, your finish time will be recorded. You may not protest your penalty if you stop at the penalty box. In either case, time can not be added or taken off your finish time by the Head Referee or Competition Jury.
Finish End of Lap 1 and 2 Transition Area U Turn adjacent to Transition Transition Area FINISH End of Lap 3 Proceed to finish
Post-race Procedures Medal Presentation - protocol – at 15:20. Men’s and women’s presentation both after men’s race. Please follow the ambush marketing rules Women – keep your race uniform on please. Prize money will be deposited to you.
Ambush Marketing Rules Ambush marketing is defined as: “Deliberately using the opportunity of live television and media photographers to acquire additional exposure for your sponsor product, apparel or brand.” The consequence for this behavior is: the athlete will immediately forfeit their prize money for that event
Post-race Procedures Anti-Doping Control Medical Photo ID is needed for every athlete to have ready for Doping Control Medical Only team medical officials area allowed to enter the medical tent after the LOC Doctor has given permission Every NF can have one team medical accreditation for team doctors only
Coaches areas Accreditation Every coaches has to collect accreditation wristband to be able to enter the venue. You’ll need to put your wristband on this evening. Only Coaches who have been registered from their NF into the ITU online system are entitled to gain accreditation Coaches areas Behind transition and adjacent to the finish line Run course measurement 9:15 on race day. Register on the way out.
Rule Updates New rule 2.11 ITU Competition Jury or Head Referee can not add or remove time for an athlete’s penalty following a successful protest / appeal
Athlete’s Agreement There has been a change in the procedure of filling out the Athlete’s Agreement All athletes have to complete their data on the Admin page of the ITU Website before competing in their first event, or if you have changed details If you need logins please contact Following the briefing you will sign the agreement before taking your race package. This agreement does not include your details. New procedure is to integrate athlete information into a database (which is not public) and avoid any missing or inaccurate information.
Important Bike transfer to Auckland If you are heading to another event and flying out of New Plymouth with Air New Zealand on Monday Please drop your bike to the airport by 7.30pm on Sunday after the race Air New Zealand will help to manage baggage by sending bikes earlier. Bikes will be at the airport in Auckland on your arrival
Weather forecast Temp Weather Saturday 21ºC Rain with heavy falls and thunderstorms possible Sunday 21ºC A few early showers
Good Luck!