University of Maryland School of Nursing NRSG 790 Course Overview Course Coordinator: Dr. Renee Franquiz Section Professors: Drs. Franquiz, Mueller-Burke, Cook, Chuang, Njie-Carr, Mooney-Doyle, Velez
Welcome to NRSG 790 The aim of NRSG790 is to: Enhance your understanding of research and the evidence based practice process Enhance your abilities to gather, review, critically appraise, and synthesize literature on a particular topic Use evidence to effectively promote health in your nursing practice NRSG 790 is a web-based course delivered online through a Learning Management System - Blackboard Weekly Modular format Learning occurs through independent activities, peer interaction, and engagement with professors Students are expected to take on more responsibility to direct their own learning Anticipate spending 9-12 hours a week on the learning objectives in a 3-credit hour course Faculty are present and available to facilitate your learning through: Office hours, e-mail, requested/scheduled sessions, course work feedback, exams
Who Are We? Course Work Only Course Coordinator Students Ensures course objectives are achieved Oversees deployment of content, assignments, exams Collaborates with course faculty to facilitate instruction Course Professors Facilitate weekly delivery of content Respond to instructional needs/questions through weekly office hours, e-mails, appointment requests Evaluate student learning – grade assignments. GTA – Alison Boyer 1:1 by appointment; scheduled assignment review sessions Students Doctoral BSN to PhD DNP Master of Science Clinical Nurse Leaders Nursing Informatics Health Services Leadership Management Education and Business Course Work Only
Course Overview Please Review Course Syllabus Course Objectives Faculty Information Office Hours Textbook and Article Readings HS/HSL Reserves Course Assignments Course Evaluation Course Policies
Course Delivery Web Based On-Line Learning Learning Management System Keys to success Self-directed students Faculty presence Learning Management System Blackboard Navigation – where do I find things? Connectivity Virtual Engagement - Collaborate Faculty and Student Groups Resources New to Blackboard? Blackboard Help for Students New to Collaborate? Collaborate Help for Students Network and Computing Services ITHELP Desk
Course Assignments Assignments Grade Weight Individual Discussion Boards 5% Group Discussion Boards Peer Review 10% P/F Group Critique of a Quantitative Research Study PICO(T) Evidence Review 1: Evidence Search 15% PICO(T) Evidence Review 2: Review and Synthesis 30% Examinations Exam 1 Exam 2 Online CITI Basic (Group I Biomedical Research) Training
Support and Resources for Success Weekly facilitation, feedback, ongoing oversight Weekly office hours and appointments as needed Faculty Ongoing oversight and appointments as needed Assignment Review Sessions (with GTA) Coordinator Instructional Librarians Electronic databases and instructional tutorials HS/HSL Advising and Academic Coaching Writing Assistance Success Center