BR: D6 FIRST: Grab a Chromebook, log in and pull up your website, as others would see it (we’ll be sharing after the BR) Think Pair Share: Take 2 minutes to write down interesting things you’ve learned about your country. Then, share with a neighbor who is doing a different country. We’ll then share with the class; most interesting thing YOU learned about a different country gets a prize… Note: Be ready to share your Website Draft with others!
Feedback Attack!* (4 min / ) Presentation (2 minutes): Presenter(s) present their website to another group. The listener(s) look and listen; they may ask short questions, but the focus is on the presenter. If you finish early, don’t jump ahead! We are doing this all together, thanks! Feedback (2 minutes): Listeners give suggestions. Presenters listen, can ask clarifying questions, etc., but the focus is on the listener. Note: keep feedback helpful, specific, and kind After that, you’ll have 20 seconds to find another group, and then you’ll repeat!
Great Job! Hopefully, that was a useful experience for you! Any feedback that you received today should help you tweak your website for the final presentation / public event! Note that you will be presenting your final website in class on D14 Alright; now let’s review Ch. 5! Kahoot!