Warm Ups October 31-November 4
English iv
Eng Iv | warm Up | m 10/31/16 I can work with my peers and use precise words and phrases, telling details, to convey a vivid picture of a Knight and what he stands for. Talk with your table groups – what does this LT mean? How will you know you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.2, 11-12.W.3.d, 11-12.SL.1.a, 11-12.SL.1.b, 11-12.SL.1.d
I can read and comprehend the book I am reading for enjoyment. Eng Iv | warm Up | tu 11/01/16 I can read and comprehend the book I am reading for enjoyment. Talk with your table groups – what does this LT mean? How will you know you’ve mastered this target? (Hint: think about your book projects) 11-12.RL.10
Eng Iv | warm Up | w 11/02/16 I can collaborate with my peers to determine all sides of the story, and the central theme/main idea, drawing evidence to support our/my analysis. Talk with your table groups – what does this LT mean? How will you know you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.1, 11-12.RL.2, 11-12.W.9, 11-12.SL.1.d
Eng Iv | warm Up | th 11/03/16 I can use what I know about chivalry and courtly love to determine what kind of satirical commentary Monty Python's Holy Grail might be trying to make. Talk with your table groups – what does this LT mean? How will you know you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.2, 11-12.RL.6
Eng Iv | warm Up | f 11/04/16 I can collaborate with my peers to determine all sides of the story, and the central theme/main idea, drawing evidence to support our/my analysis. Talk with your table groups – what does this LT mean? How will you know you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.1, 11-12.RL.2, 11-12.W.9, 11-12.SL.1.d
Ap literature
AP Lit | Warm Up | m 10/31/16 I can come to SS prepared, work with my peers to promote civil discussions, and propel conversations forward by posing and responding to thoughtful questions. Talk with your table groups – what does this LT mean? How will you know you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.SL.1.a, 11-12.SL.1.b, 11-12.SL.1.c, 11-12.SL.1.d
AP Lit | Pd. 2 | S.S. Groups Group 1 Group 2 Abbie Alstatt Taelor Martin Christina Brimm Austin Miller Jacob Carter Ryan Roby Sarah Crenshaw Grant Skaggs Justin Defler Caitlin Smith Justin Douthat Haley Snyder Rachel Hammiel Michael Tandy Emily Harp Kat Upton Michael Harp Riley Vowels Kate Heppler Madison Welsh Gaby King Grace Wibbels Kyle Lawrence Kelsey Woods Malikhi Ly-Hughes Emily Yoakum
Ap Lit | pd. 3 | S.S. Groups Group 1 Group 2 Jacob Abnee Sebastian Kaufman Connor Adams Emily Maddix Brandon Adkins Alex Nadeau Celia Brumbaugh Denise Osborne Austin Coolidge Carly Parker Drew Couch Chase Parker Cyan Crank Emma Pressley Lexa Daugherty Will Rucker Haley Fowler Jacob Walls Taylor Hollifield Brooke Wise Grace Jackson Emily Wiseheart
AP Lit | Warm Up | t 11/01/16 I can develop my writing and set myself up for success by planning my introduction and trying a new approach to writing an AP essay. Talk with your table groups – what does this LT mean? How will you know you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.W.5
AP Lit | Warm Up | w 11/02/16 I can produce clear & coherent writing while writing for an extended amount of time, drawing upon literary text to support my analysis. Talk with your table groups – what does this LT mean? How will you know you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.W.4, 11-12.W.9, 11-12.W.10
I can read and comprehend the book I am reading for enjoyment. AP Lit | Warm Up | th 11/03/16 I can read and comprehend the book I am reading for enjoyment. Talk with your table groups – what does this LT mean? How will you know you’ve mastered this target? (Hint: think about your book projects/journals) 11-12.RL.10
AP Lit | Warm Up | f 11/04/16 I can strengthen my writing by taking on a new approach - becoming familiar with the AP Rubric and by scoring my partner's essay while giving comments and feedback. Talk with your table groups – what does this LT mean? How will you know you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.W.5