SANE (Share A News Event) Presentations Have your SANE assignment sheet out to jot down notes.
1. Familiarize yourself with a story that interests you. A story that interests me right now is the changes that are being made to the sexual education curriculum in Ontario schools. Three credible sources that I accessed: The Globe and Mail’s article, “Ontario’s sex-ed overhaul aims to bring curriculum into digital age” by Adrian Morrow The Toronto Star’s article, “Ontario finally unveils revamped sex education curriculum” by Robert Benzie TIME Magazine’s article, “Why Schools Can’t Teach Sex Ed” by Alexandra Sifferlin
1. Submit a MLA Works Cited page for your sources I visited OWL Purdue’s MLA website: I also used to help create my Works Cited page
2. Summarize your news event First, read each of your sources carefully and make notes while you read. Examine the notes from each source and highlight the most important facts for all perspectives. i.e. For my news event I would want to include facts that support why it is important for children and teens to learn things like safe internet searching, online profiles, and what to do if they are being harassed online. I would also include facts that support other sides of this hot button issue such as why children as young as 5 should not be learning about things such as “sexting”.
2. Summarize your news event After I have written my summary that explains important points from the three sources I have accessed, I will record important speaking points on a cue card. Break your presentation down into parts and record a few points for each part on individual cue cards.
2. Visual aids I have included relevant and specific images to enhance my presentation I have researched relevant video clips to enhance my presentation I have included a URL for all images and videos that I have accessed and included them on my Works Cited page You may want to organize your presentation using PPT or Slides (but know your material)
'Once a person sends a sext, they lose control of it.’ 'Once a person sends a sext, they lose control of it.’ - Guide for Ontario parents on province's update to health and physical education curriculum.!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/screen-time-murray-cheryl-clarke.JPG
3. Discussion Director Craft 4 insightful and thought provoking questions on my news event (use these questions on your family or friends – how well do they work?) I am prepared to rephrase these questions in the case that the class needs to hear them again My questions deepen the class’s understanding of my news event No questions require a simple yes/no answer (they should generate discussion) I am prepared to answer my own questions and build on my peers’ responses; I am an active listener (don’t get caught day-dreaming)
4. Rehearse Practice your presentation in front of the mirror a few times (are you looking at yourself or mostly reading?) Record your presentation Practice your presentation in front of an audience (friend, parent, sibling) After you receive feedback from your audience, practice again to implement their suggestions
5. Present Read the rubric a few times to familiarize yourself with the things Ms. Patterson will be looking for The day of your presentation you should bring: Your rubric with your name on it A copy of all the sources that you accessed Cue cards with point for notes A USB stick with tech that you may use (make sure it works before you present) Your properly formatted Works Cited page Hand in all work to Ms. Patterson