Government Funding for Energy Research Kristin Muncaster, Joshua Shepard, Zachary Brunner, Jessie Lopez,
Comparing and Contrasting Different Government Funding for Energy Research
American Government Funding for Energy Research
American Recovery Act (ARRA) and Primary Government funding method American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 When the ARRA became a law it made $275 billion available for different federal contracts, grants, and loans. $16.8 billion of that money was given to the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to fund multiple projects such as : Biomass Wind energy Water power Competitive grants is the primary funding method Cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) This is a partnership between a private company and a government- sponsored research lab.
Funding Opportunity Announcement process (FOA) & Superior Energy Performance (SEP) What is the Funding Opportunity Announcement process? helps with rapid support of early- stage applied research and changes in disruptive energy 11 different steps to getting the grant What is Superior Energy Performance? SEP dedicates a portion of it funding each year to provide competitively awarded financial assistance that helps states meet their energy goals. During fiscal years 2014-2916, SEP Competitive Awards up to $5 million were awarded to applicants seeking to maximize the impact of formula grant work related to energy efficiency and/or renewable energy adoption
Investments in Energy for Small Businesses Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) It major goals are to: Stimulate technological innovation, use small business to meet Federal R/R&D needs, foster and encourage participation by the socially and economically disadvantaged small businesses face, and increase private sector commercialization of innovations. Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Its major goals are to: Stimulate and foster scientific and technological innovation through cooperative research and development carried out between small business concerns and research institutions, and foster technology transfer between small business concerns and research institutions. Small Business Voucher (SBV) SBV facilitates access to the DOE national labs for American small businesses.
Investments in Local & State Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office of Environmental Management Office of Fossil Energy Office Nuclear Energy Office of Nuclear Nonproliferation Office of Science Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research Office of Basic Energy Sciences Office of Biological and Environmental Research Office of Fusion Energy Science Office of High Energy Physics Office of Nuclear Physics Office of Indian Energy Policy & Programs Office of Congregational & Intergovernmental Affairs Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Federal Energy Management Programs Weatherization & Intergovernmental Program State Energy Program
European Government Funding for Energy Topics
The European Union Purpose: To improve the quality of life for all Europeans. Energy goals: Security of supply Competitiveness Sustainability Some members and achievements Denmark, Austria, United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Germany and 20 others. How it works: Each member pays a member fee according to economic size. Distribution of currency to optimize multi-country cooperation and transport of materials. Organized use of funds to improve infrastructure, quality of life and productivity of the European Union.
European Funding for Energy Research Listed below are some of the European funding organizations European Local Energy Assistance (ELENA) Focuses on the improvement of energy efficiency in buildings or street lighting Cohesion Fund Supports investments into climate change adaptation, water and waste sectors. European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) Priority is to promote resource efficiency Sustainable Energy Financing Facilities (SEFF) Supports smaller companies with investment efforts in sustainable energy
EU Long Term Goals
European Funding for Energy Research Today Energy activities are funded under the latest framework called Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020: Grants Provides Grants for research and innovation Horizon 2020: Loans Launched by the Commission with the European Investment Bank
EU 2030 and 2050 Energy Use goals 2030 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. 27% energy production from renewable resources. Increase energy efficiency by 27-30% 2050 80-95% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels
China’s Government Funding
CEFC China Energy CEFC China Energy is a private Chinese conglomerate, established in 2002 by Mr. Ye Jianming. CEFC China has been actively exploring the development path for private enterprises. “Arising with Strength and Achieving with Goodness” China Energy Fund Committee Fully sponsored by CEFC China to promote energy public diplomacy and international energy research. The Company is also committed to promoting philanthropy through CEFC Shanghai Charity Fund
An Interview with Dr. Jonathan Kuiken What is your opinion on government funding for energy? Government should, in theory, protect environmental, economic and most importantly social impacts Broaden choices Long term decision making
Work Cited “State Energy Program Competitive Financial Assistance Program.” Department of Energy, Roos, Dave. “How Is the U.S. Promoting Clean Energy Research?” HowStuffWorks Science, HowStuffWorks, 25 Apr. 2011,