LEARNING TARGET To help teachers of special needs students and English learners implement the CCGPS with fidelity for this specialized group of students by demonstrating effective differentiation in the standards based classroom instruction. Participants will be shown new and cutting-edge methods of intervention and modification that will result in measurable gain in learning and achievement for all students.
ICE BREAKER fffffffffffffffffffffffffff
THINKING OUTSIDE OF THE BOX Come up with 5 questions that have the same answer? You have 3 minutes………………..GO!
Es muy difícil de aprender nuevas normas impartidas en el aula de educación general en caso de que hable un idioma diferente o tener un vocabulario limitado.
PREGUNTA ESENCIAL CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.1a Explicar la función de los sustantivos, pronombres, verbos, adjetivos y adverbios en general y sus funciones en frases concretas. Puedo identificar correctamente las partes de la oración en un párrafo.
El niño camina en el parque. ?
PISTAS VISUALES niño caminar parque
ENGLISH TRANSLATION It is extremely difficult to learn new standards taught in the general education classroom when you speak a different language or have a limited vocabulary.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.1a Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences. I can correctly identify the parts of speech.
The little boy walked in the park.
WHICH STUDENTS ARE BEING LEFT OUT IN THE TYPICAL CLASSROOM SETTING? Without differentiation, we can easily answer that most English Language Learners, gifted and talented, and struggling students are being left behind.
DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION ALL learners are not alike! Every parent or teacher knows that no two children learn in the same way or at the same time.
WHAT IS DIFFERENTIATION? Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs.
ANCIENT CHINESE PROVERB Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand.
PROS AND CONS OF INSTRUCTION With the introduction of the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards, the growing trend for students with special needs and English Language Learners is to push them into the traditional classroom setting.
GOODBYE RESOURCE ROOM We are now seeing less and less of the pullout practices of taking students into a self contained resource room with their specials teachers.
COMMON THOUGHTS AND PRACTICES The common thought is that the traditional model fails to provide students an education in the least restrictive environment.
WHOSE STUDENTS ARE THEY? Too many times, general education teachers expect the ELL or Special Education teachers to take care of their kids.
THE IDEAL LEARNER The problem with much of todays curriculum is that we are basing it on the ideal average student and truthfully cognitive neuroscience says there is no such student.
UNDERSERVING OUR STUDENTS English Language Learners, or students with special needs, can be sidelined by our more complex common core curriculum, which requires more of a depth of knowledge, if the proper techniques are not used.
GIFTED AND TALENTED Gifted and talented students can also be underserved by having a main stream curriculum.
LEARNING STYLE INVENTORIES Understanding and Identifying Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Styles
HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS Some feel that the average teacher may not be qualified or trained to assist students with disabilities.
TEAM TEACHING One of the hardest things to get used to in a team- taught classroom is how to split teaching responsibilities; that is, actual instruction of students.
TEAMWORK When general education classroom teachers take the time to share ideas and plan together, as well as utilize the co-teaching system in the classroom, the results will be POSITIVE! Models for Collaborative Team Teaching One teach, One observe One teach, One assist Station Teaching (Rotational) Parallel Teaching Alternative Teaching Tag Team Teaching (Traditional)
CLASSROOM STRATEGIES Brainstorm Picture clues KWL Kinesthetic Keeping journals Songs Vocabulary Study Foldable
MOVEMENT Parts of Speech Kinesthetic Mnemonic
SONGS Four Types of Sentences Declarative makes a statement Interrogative asks a question Exclamatory shows strong feelings Imperative gives a command Four Types of Sentences
13 COLONIES SONG Oh….What did DELAWARE? She wore her NEW JERSEY! She RHODE to the ISLAND to see…..MARYLAND The airplane that she flew From NORTH to SOUTH CAROLINA With GEORGIA and VIRGINIA on board And their NEW (YORK)ie
13 COLONIES SONG She watched CONNECTICUT Her NEW Ham for Sure (HAMPSHIRE) And the rode all over MASSACHUSETTS and PENNSYLVANIA (Repeat each line)
REMEMBER….. We cant change where our students came from, But we CAN change where they are going!
CONTACT INFORMATION George Lamberth Vic Marie White