E-mail Technical Coordinators Meeting Chris Bongaarts Steve Siirila Dec 12, 2007
E-mail Outages Nov 29 1339-1415 (36min) Dec 3 1335-1344 (9min) Network outage affecting DataCenter Dec 3 1335-1344 (9min) diamond (immediately followed network outage) Dec 5 1723-1735 (12min) peridot (QFS clustering performance issues) Dec 11 1335-1404 (29min) diamond (Intermittent service, capacity issue)
Autofiled storage Autofiled folders moved to less expensive and slower storage Using IMAP namespaces to present AutoFiled folders Some clients cannot use namespaces correctly Workaround: Use GopherMail to access AutoFiled folders Allows us to resume mass AutoFiling
Server-side Filtering Forwarding to multiple recipients Supports comma separated addresses: user1@umn.edu, user2@umn.edu, user3@umn.edu Also consider other methods: Shared folders LISTSERV Many other changes – please try it out
UMCal Archiving Will expire data yearly, keeping one year Thus 1-2 years of data available Older data kept at least 5-7 years Can be made available on request Possible future enhancement: make old data available read-only via web Necessary for performance reasons
Bits ‘n’ Bytes LISTSERV upgrade coming soon
‘Till next month… Steve Siirila 612-626-0244 Internet Services sfs@umn.edu 612-626-0244 Internet Services isgroup@umn.edu Chris Bongaarts cab@umn.edu 612-625-1809