McKinney Little League (MLLB) All Stars
All Stars Topics Covered: Coach Pitch Future Stars Teams International All Star Teams (Minors, Majors, & Intermediate) Classic All Star Teams (MKP, Minors, & Majors) All-Star Player Nomination and Selection Process Commitment to Play Letter Player Verification/Eligibility Coaches Selection Process Coaches Meeting
Coach Pitch All Stars Coach Pitch All Stars Game Date-TBD (1st or 2nd week in June) Teams will have 1 to 2 All Star team practices All Star game will be played with regular season rules, except the game will be 6 innings. The Coach Pitch division will be split into a Red and a Blue division. The two divisions will NOT play each other. Each division will have a single All Star game within their division. Each player and coach will receive an All Star player T-Shirt with team names on the back. Coach Pitch All Stars DO NOT need to go through the player verification/eligibility process.
International All Stars Teams are determined by Geographic Method: North of 380 = National Division South of 380 = American Division 8-9-10 Minors All Star Team(s) District Start Dates-June 21-July 1 Sectional Start Dates- July 5 (State tournament the week after) 10-11-12 (LL) Majors All Star Team(s) District Start Dates- June 21-July 1 11-12-13 Intermediate All Star Team Dist. Start Dates- June 21-July 1
International All Stars Game Format District 8 “pool play” plan: For the 8-9-10 division, there will be two “pools”, with the champions of each pool playing each other in a one game, winner takes all Championship Game. Winner advances to Sectionals. In the 10-11-12 LL (Majors) and 11-12-13 Intermediate divisions, there will only be one pool in each, with the top two teams playing each other in a single Championship Game. Winner advances to Sectionals. *Coaches: Tournament Rules and Guidelines can be found in your green Little League Baseball Rules book. **Once available, brackets will be posted on the District 8 website.
Classic All Stars Age 7-8-9 (Minors) must have played MKP or Minors Division during the regular season. Age 10-11-12 (Majors) must have played Minors or Majors Division during the regular season. If non-resident, must have a signed, notarized waiver submitted to the League President by May 31st. Players who do not make the International team are eligible for Classic team selection. Classic teams are not formed until International teams are formed and International rosters have been verified and players notified/confirmed.
Classic All Stars Game Format Pool Play Format: If there are eight (8) or more teams in each division, then the tournament will follow the Pool Play format, which would mean teams could play 6 games each. Double Elimination Format: If there are less than eight (8) teams in each division, then it may be double elimination and each team will play a minimum of 2 games each. Will follow District 8 Rules for Classic tournament 8 Once available, brackets will be posted on the District 8 website.
All Stars Player Nomination Process Ballots are administered by the manager to his/her players. All players will nominate their teammates who they feel are good representatives of an All Star. The coach may also add 1-2 picks from his team to the official nomination, if he/she feels a deserving player(s) did not receive votes. In addition, a coach may nominate players in any division. This prevents coaches from missing any kid that might have been playing up in a division. Nominated players names are turned into the League President and Player Agent. A combined list of all nominated players will be submitted to the All Star coach for each division. Coaches will host a tryout for the nominated players to determine placement on the team.
Commitment to Play All Stars Nominated players need to commit to participate in All Stars in order to be placed on the official tryout roster for Mangers and league officials to vote for selection to their respective all-star teams during the tryout. Please email player commitment letter to Will Lloyd, Player Agent, & Lonea Gilbert, President: & Coaches will practice up to 6 days a week leading up to International and Classic All Star Games. Coaches will practice up to 2 times for Coach Pitch All Stars. Players are expected to arrive 1 Hour prior to game time. Player fee for International and Classic All Stars, $100. *Coaches can secure a sponsor to cover the player fee for each player on his/her team. In order to have the sponsor name on the jerseys, the sponsor has to be secured and name on jerseys before the 1st All Star game (LL Int’l Rules).
Player Verification/Eligibility Player must have participated as an eligible player in 60% of the regular season games. The only exception is Dr. documented injury or illness. “Residence,” “reside” and “residing” refers to a place of bona fide continuous habitation. A place of residence once established shall not be considered changed unless the parents, parent or guardian makes a bona fide change of residence. Residence shall be established and supported by documents containing the full residence which includes parent(s) or guardian(s) name, street address, city, state and zip code information, dated or in force between February 1, 2016 (previous year) and February 1, 2017 (current year), from one or more documents from each of the three Groups outlined below:
Player Verification/Eligibility Residency Forms NOTE: Example – Three documents from the same Group (utility bill, cable bill, and bank statement) constitute only ONE document. Any documents submitted as proof of residence must show customary usage or consumption to demonstrate bona fide continuous habitation as determined by Little League Baseball, Incorporated in its discretion. To establish residency, you must submit at least 1 document from each group. GROUP ONE 1. Driver’s License 2. School records 3. Vehicle records (i.e., registration, lease, etc.) 4. Employment records 5. Insurance documents GROUP TWO 1. Welfare/child care records 2. Federal records (Federal Tax, Social Security, etc.) 3. State records 4. Local (municipal) records 5. Support payment records 6. Homeowner or tenant records 7. Military records GROUP THREE 1. Voter’s Registration 2. Utility bills (i.e., gas, electric, water/ sewer, phone, mobile phone, heating, waste disposal) 3. Financial records (i.e. loan, credit, investments, etc.) 4. Medical records 5. Internet, cable, or satellite records NOTE: Financial information may be blacked out.
Player Verification/Eligibility *Copies of All Forms are included in the Manager’s All Star Binder Residency and School Attendance Eligibility Requirements: Eligibility.pdf Each player must have a completed Tournament Verification form: Verification.pdf Each player must have a Little League Medical Release form: /tournament-medical-release.pdf Each Manager must have a completed Tournament Verification check list: verification-checklist.pdf
Player Proof of Age Requirement PROOF-OF-AGE REQUIREMENTS ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF PROOF OF BIRTH DATE 1. Original proof of age document, if issued by federal, state or provincial registrars of vital statistics in the country in which the Little Leaguer is participating. 2. If country of participation differs from the country of proof of age document, original proof-of-age document issued by federal, state or provincial registrars of vital statistics, or local offices thereof, are acceptable proof of age, provided the document was filed, recorded, registered or issued within one (1) year of the birth of the child. 3. An original document issued by federal, state or provincial registrars of vital statistics, or local offices thereof, listing the date of birth, with reference to the location and issue date of the original birth certificate, is acceptable. (The original birth certificate referenced must have been filed, recorded, registered or issued within one (1) year of the birth of the child.) Also issued by these agencies are photocopies of the certificate of live birth with the certification also photocopied, including the signature, and include the seal impressed thereon. Such documents are acceptable without “live” signatures, provided the original filed, recorded, registered or issued date of the birth certificate was within one (1) year of the date of birth. 4. For children born abroad of a parent or parents who are U.S. citizens, any official government document issued by a U. S. federal agency or service, is acceptable. For military dependents, Department of Defense identification cards and military hospital certificates are acceptable. These must be originals, not copies, and must refer to a filing, recording, registration, or issue date that is within one (1) year of the birth of the child. 5. A “Statement in Lieu of Acceptable Proof of Birth” issued by a District Administrator is acceptable.
Tryout Process All nominated players who can make the commitment to All Stars will be invited to tryout. All International and Classic Team Tryouts will take place on June 1st at Nesbitt. Players should be in uniform, bring all necessary equipment, and bring plenty of water Players need to be at the Field at 5:30 for stretching. Parents need to be at the Field at 5:30 for Informational Parent Meeting and Paperwork Collection Tryouts will begin at 6:00pm Parents will need to bring the following documents to tryouts: 1. Commitment letter (if not already submitted) 2. Player Verification form with supporting documents from each of the 3 groups 3. Bring Proof of Age Requirement
Manager Selection Process Determine who is interested in each specific team and division. If a vote is needed, then the Managers within the division vote. In case of a tie, then the President, Coaches Coordinator, and Player Agent will vote. Assistant coaches are chosen last, and they are selected by the All Star Manager. It is strongly recommended that the assistant coach positions are filled by managers/head coaches.
All Star Manager’s Meeting All Star Managers Meeting regarding All Stars will take place on Sunday, May at 21st @ 7:00pm at Market Street. It is especially important for you to attend this meeting if this is your first time participating in All Stars. At the Meeting, Managers will receive an All Stars binder, we will review the player eligibility and verification process, practice expectations, tryout process, game expectations, and general tournament rules and expectations.
2017 World Series Tournaments Dates & Locations Little League Baseball® World Series (August 17-27, 2017) Eligible Age: 10-11-12 year olds • Location: South Williamsport, Pa. (Volunteer Stadium & Howard J. Lamade Stadium) • History: 59th Season in South Williamsport; 71st Season Overall • 2016 Champion: Mid-Atlantic Region - Maine-Endwell Little League (Endwell, N.Y.) Intermediate League (50/70) Baseball World Series (July 30 – August 6, 2017) Eligible Age: 11-12-13 year olds • Location: Livermore, Calif. (Max Baer Park) • History: 5th Season in Livermore; 5th Season Overall • 2016 Champion: West Region – Central East Maui (Hawaii) Little League