Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards (SAP) Presented by Yolanda Cleveland
S.A.P. Satisfactory Academic Progress School must have a published policy for monitoring a student’s progress Standards include Qualitative Quantitative
QUALITATIVE STANDARD Grade based Programs > than 2 years- at least a C average Programs < than 2 years- standards = to a “C” Apply policy consistently Be as strict as those non T4 enrolled students
QUANTITATIVE STANDARD Time-related Determines a % of courses completed Set max time frame to complete program Undergraduate-150% of length of program Apply policy consistently Be as strict as those non T4 enrolled students
CHANGE OF MAJOR & TRANSFER CREDITS All period of enrollment count You may exclude courses not part of new major You may limit # of times student changes major Must count transfer credits for new program You may count transfer grades Establish rules for those who want new degrees
REPEATS, DROPS, INCOMPLETES, REMEDIAL, ESL COURSES Explain course repeats including which grade will count. Quantitative-include all repeated courses Policy must explain remedial, incomplete grades, and ESL course work Cannot exclude course work from the Summer term
WHEN DO YOU CHECK SAP No longer than one academic year or the length of the program, whichever is less Increments generally coincide with payment periods
REGAINING SAP ELIGIBILITY Policy must explain how to regain eligibility When student meets SAP standards Place them on probation , part of policy Submit an appeal, part of policy Sitting out a term doesn’t regain eligibility Paying for one term doesn’t regain eligibility
PROBATION/WARNING STATUS Policy explains circumstance and procedures Continue to receive T4 funding Must regain eligibility Cannot allow over two such periods
APPEAL POLICY May have an appeal policy for mitigating circumstances Explain circumstance and procedures Cannot limit appeals Approved appeals receive T4 funding Must regain eligibility by your policy standards
PROGRAM RULES SAP policy must include: Incompletes Withdrawals Repetitions Transfer of credit from other schools
STANDARDIZED TERMS Pace= Measures the pace at each SAP evaluation Pace= Total cumulative hours completed Total cumulative hours attempted FA Warning -Fails to meet SAP at a school who evaluates after each payment period. FA Probation—Fails to meet SAP at a school, approved appeal and aid reinstated.
STANDARDIZED TERMS Maximum time frame- Undergraduate program (credit hours), cannot exceed 150% of published length of program Undergraduate program (clock hours), cannot exceed 150% of published length of program, measured by cumulative # of clock hours required to complete. Graduate program—rules do not change. 150% rule does not apply Must develop a policy and apply consistently.
APPEAL POLICY Appeal May have an appeal procedure Process by which a student not meeting a school’s SAP standards petitions for reconsideration of T4 eligibility. May have an appeal procedure How the student may re-establish T4 eligibility Basis for filing an appeal Petition must include why the student failed to meet SAP, what has changed that will allow the student to meet SAP at the next review.
SCHOOLS THAT EVALUATE SAP EACH PAYMENT PERIOD Option 1 Place on FA warning Receives T4 funding for one payment period Not meeting SAP after that , loses T4 eligibility No appeal policy, regain eligibility when meets SAP Approved appeal, FA Probation, receives T4 funds Student must meet SAP end of next payment period or Comply with academic plan designed to ensure student will meet SAP standards
SCHOOL EVALUATES EACH PAYMENT PERIOD Option 2 SAP not met Student loses T4 eligibility immediately No appeal policy, regain eligibility when meets SAP Approved appeal, FA Probation, receives T4 funds Student must meet SAP end of next payment period or Comply with academic plan designed to ensure student will meet SAP standards
EVALUATES SAP ANNUALLY OR LESS THAN EACH PAYMENT PERIOD Student not making SAP, loses T4 funding Approved appeal, receive T4 funding Part of your policy Student placed on FA Probation Student must meet SAP end of next payment period or Comply with academic plan designed to ensure student will meet SAP standards No appeal policy-student regain eligibility when they meet school’s SAP standards
FINANCIAL AID PROBATION School determines that student should be able to meet SAP standards by the end of the next payment period. OR An academic plan is developed and student can meet school’ SAP standards by a specific point in time.
ACADEMIC PLAN Steps needed to meet SAP standards Review of progress at each SAP evaluation Specified time frame by which SAP standards must be met
SAP NOTIFICATION Must notify students of the SAP evaluations end of each review If an appeal process, describe how to appeal Not meeting SAP, describe how to regain eligibility
RESOURCES: Federal Register 668.34 (c); (d); (a) (3-7), (b) 2010 FSA Conference Program Integrity Final Rules Industry Webinars
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Is the school required to have an appeal process? Can the school limit the # of appeals? What is included in the academic Plan? Case Studies…..